Guests with zero history and reviews

Level 1
Jacksonville Beach, FL

Guests with zero history and reviews

I’m new to Airbnb (but not to vacation rentals), and have not yet had an Airbnb listing. I’ve had two potentials with zero references, very recent to Airbnb, and no picture or ID (just phone) that ask for a reservation.

One was looking for a discount. When I declined the discount, she declined and said she found another place. The other offered no details, and when I asked for a few details about her stay, she too said she found another place. 
is this some kind of phishing scam? Two in a row with similar profiles seems strange. I’ve stayed at lots of Airbnb’s and gladly explain to the host my situation. 

3 Replies 3
Level 4
The Villages, FL

There are some bad people using Airbnb as a cheap room rental. Essentially they’re homeless and Airbnb is cheaper and more comfortable than the motel 6.  Typically they won’t post a government ID and they’re extremely vague about why they need to stay. I’ve spoken to the Airbnb reps numerous times about these issues and they are USELESS!  My advice is only accept guests with a confirmed ID and ask them why they’re coming to visit. If they're  vague or secretive then decline. If someone has no prior reviews but passes on other levels then I give them a chance. If the guest is asking for long term discounts in advance then that is a red flag. I limit my guests to a 2 night minimum, 30 night maximum. If you accept a guest who becomes a problem you can evict them with Airbnb “help” which is very difficult. Airbnb is useless. They’re phone reps just placate you and do NOTHING concrete. Ultimately it is your home and you have the final say on who may or may not stay. 

I second the entire reply from Fiona251  above. Their answer is nearly identical to what I was going to say. I’ll add the following: if the inquiry seems like it may be legitimate but the person hasn’t validated or doesn’t have reviews (eg: they wrote a cogent note that may not be a scam), you can respond without accepting or denying and tell them that, in order for you to accept their reservation, they need to send you a copy of their government issued identification. I always explain that it’s due to the large number of phishing scams. I’ve never had anyone take me up on it. LOL. Additionally, this is why I refuse to do “instant book”. I will not put myself in a position where I have no control over who comes into my home. And, as. Fiona251 mentions above, trying to resolve disputes with AirBnB “support” is nightmarish beyond comprehension so it’s better to simply do everything in your power to ensure that you’re never put in a bad situation. Best of luck to you!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Are you allowed to offer STR in your area at the moment to those who are not key workers @Peter2618