I've been a proud AirBnB sharing economy member since 2014, ...
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I've been a proud AirBnB sharing economy member since 2014, first as a super host and later as a shareholder in the initial I...
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I figure that if I leave the pic SMALL no one can have a fit & say I am posting my guests pics and the mods won't have to intervene.
*identifying personal details removed*
Well, @Donald28 , it appeared LARGE on my huge screen 2005 laptop... I could see the photos clearly! - For a short while - before THE PEN! 🤣 🤣 🤣
.............. hope they don't get BURGLED back home whilst they're playing those machines! 🙄 🤔 🤑 😮 😭
stephanie you have way too much time on your hands to do all that work but thanks. You could have just deleted the picture. I'm becoming less and less interested in sharing ANYTHING here. It's an effort in futility.
2 minute jobbie @Donald28 It's not about having time, it's about sticking to the guidelines I'm afraid! The picture itself is a positive sentiment and something to be celebrated! I don't think anything has been lost by not seeing the guests names or pics 😅
The only thing LOST is my 1st amendment rights. You wouldn't know about the constitution because you're in another country. But you go ahead and trample those rights I have here in the good old USA steph. Feel free to edit all my posts after I post them. **This forum sucks. Please ban me permanently so I won't have to come back here and deal with this **
**[Inappropriate content removed - Community Center Guidelines]
No-one is forcing you to use this forum @Donald28 . The answer is simple...don’t come back 😁😆😀
@Donald28 The First Amendment does not require any private entity to host or publish your content. Any 9th-grader could tell you that.
@Donald28 Why do you need to be banned? Surely the constitution gives you the right to not visit a website if you don't want to?
@Donald28 I dont really see your point to what your doing, First of all those rights you incorrectly said you have are listed in the UNITED STATES constitution and applies to Americans.(sometimes) This is a world wide forum, meaning there are people from countries other then the US. I imagine them people can care less what rights your country says you have, and dont care if you feel that they have violated them . But to be fair here is what the rights the first amendment gives Americans
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which regulate an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievance.
Now just where does it say that a person has the right to say something even when its not allowed. A person has the right to cuss all they want but if they do it in public they get arrested. None of your rights have been violated.
All that is besides the point though, whats important is in order to participate on this forum you must follow rules that this forum sets. @Stephanie job is to see that people follow the rules, you didnt follow the rules so she dealt with it. She had every right to do that just like you have every right not to participate on this forum if you dont agree with the rules. @Stephanie exercised her right, might I suggest you do the same. Or you could stick your tail between your legs and apologize to @Stephanie for having to waste her time having to deal with this.