Hiya @Mary1793 ,
Many thanks for your important question, I've got some information here that should help clear up your concerns:
When will payments come out?
We started sending support payments late last week, and some of you may have seen payments in your accounts.
Our original goal was to get the first batch of payments out by mid-April and unfortunately, we're running slightly behind. We know how important these payments are, and we’re sorry. We’re working as hard as we can to get back on track.
Why haven’t I received my payment?
We originally planned to have the first batch of support payments sent in mid-April, which would cover eligible reservations through April 8. We’ve started to send payments, but unfortunately some of them have been delayed. We’re working as hard as we can to get back on track, and we hope to have the first batch sent by 5/1.
Please do let me know if you have any other questions,