Hi, I’ve never been part of the community in a group. I had something happen very unusual and I am deeply disturbed and very confused and wondering if it’s happened to anyone else or any other host and hostesses know of anybody this is happened to. I wake up in the middle of the night to see that Airbnb has sent me a message from a woman named Eve. She states that I’ve been banned for 30 days and I should remove from my description that my house is open and spacious and perfect for events. It’s been like that for three years. I’m 65 it’s 100-year-old house it’s called “grandmas house” And an event at grandmas house is A family birthday party or a family get together after a memorial or a luncheon. There has never been a party and I’ve never invited anyone to have a party it’s not allowed. A family event is different than a party. But I was told I violated terms in service because of that one sentence! To make the dagger Sinking deeper this person, Eve, she canceled my booking. A family come in tomorrow for a week! Left them high and dry! I’m horrified I would never do that to a guest I’m heartbroken I don’t know what to do. I made an appeal for help and Eve came back on and said I reevaluated And my decision stands and this is closed! I hope somebody read this and can help me or talk to me about this. They just cost me a lot of money. I love my gas I love Airbnb and I’m horrified that they have this power to squash someone and not give you a reason. She also said if I try to relist the house at any time in the 30 days I will be removed from the platform forever! When I go to my listing it says it’s in sleep mode reactivate your listing. I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on. Is there more to the story is there something you’re not telling me. I have one neighbor on the block that’s a racist does not like people of color staying at the Airbnb. We called Airbnb and Complained but Airbnb spoke with me they were on top of it they were kind and compassionate and they ruled in my favor. I’m wondering if the same neighbor has done the same thing but it went to a different person because I have had Latino people and I’ve had a husband and wife mixed race is just in the past couple weeks. If my neighbors are slandering my Airbnb you’re making false accusations against my guess or me I think Airbnb should be honest and forthright and tell me because I will take legal action. You cannot slander someone, you can’t turn in somebody’s business because you’re a racist and hurt that business and cause that business owner money and not have some recourse I just need to know what’s going on. No one will call me back this is been a day and a half of a nightmare ! I hope somebody beats us and have some information. Thank you in advance for anybody that considers this and read it and can you point me in the right direction or give me a phone number for someone I can call from Airbnb. They must have a legal team. Judith