Hello MONSOON my old friend........

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Hello MONSOON my old friend........

HELLO monsoon my old friend......... it’s nice to talk to you again........ it’s been such a LONG time;

.... now we breathe and am just feelin’ fine........



The skies have been painted in a flat light grey colour, no visible signs of cloud. The temperature has finally dropped from mid 30s (Celsius) to mid 20s. Although the humidity is around 94%, we are feeling fine! The sun is hidden and the plants are getting a quick drenching. A deep and cleansing drink that will continue across the week. Only an hour ago the sun was beating down and the "grandies” needed more sun block whilst swimming, or they were going to have to have a break from the UV rays. 


The Australian Monsoon is late across the Top End - NT & WA, but we long for it for months on end. Here in Darwin we essentially have two seasons: Hot & dry OR hot & wet. The local indigenous, from the Tiwi Islands, have a calendar of six separate seasonal cycles. What is interesting is that the high tourist season is across the Dry Season. But more and more, the discerning visitor is opting for a different experience of heat, sunshine and the beautiful storms that constantly return to this part of the world during the Wet Season.

Monsoon is coming, yay!Monsoon is coming, yay!

What kind of weather are you experiencing in your neck of the woods? Cold and dry? Blizzards? Equatorial? Heatwaves? 

The break from the oppressive heat is fantastic, spectacular! 😍

But by the end of the wet season, I am sick of controlling and removing moulds that want to raise their ugly heads either inside or on paths and pavers. Water pressure cleaning is constant. No snow shovelling here! Lol...


Please let me know what you are currently experiencing, the weather’s beauty and it’s challenges for hosting.



63 Replies 63

Gosh @Quincy, I remember those wintry London showers, and the occasional sunny day.

Glad it’s been shining, but I wish I could send you a bit of it’s bite your way... to add to its lustre!


I miss the squirrels! I use to always try to find them, and the other thing I miss is smell of roasting chestnuts being sold on street corners. Does that still happen, or is it ancient history?



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Cathie19 @Quincy @John1080 @Rachel0


Well it looks like the forecasters were on the money for our temps today.

Here we go, not even midday but we have hit 42c in the shade outside!!!



The gratifying thing is the air con is holding things on a reasonably nice 21c inside! Thank God I learned a few things as a mechanical services contractor during my working life. I could drive it harder but there is no point. The temp difference makes you shiver when you walk from outside through that door.

There is a serious risk we are going to have an all time record high this afternoon.....116f here we come!!



@Robin4. Plenty of water and stay cool you two. :sweat_droplets::sweat_droplets:

Plus a shout out to all other SA & Victorian hosts & guests. The following information is to not preach to the converted or knowledgeable; but may assist future travellers to hot climates, or who participate in sports during hot weather.



If you feel thirsty = you are already dehydrated! 



If you can’t be in air con, drink massive amounts of water and stay in the shade.

remember the old safety campaign?  “Slip slop, slap, slide & seek.”  




Some options:

Place wet towel/sarong/sheet in front of a fan for a misting effect.

Avoid alcohol

Tepid cold bath immersion.

Loose clothing to allow for evaporation and minimise overheating.

Slurpee/frozen crushed ice styled drinks and water immersion is the quickest way to reduce the bodies core temperature. Drink the slurpee whilst it is iced; don’t wait till it has melted.


I attended a work health and safety seminar facilitated by Dr Matt Brearley. Here are some links: 

overall site:   https://www.thermalhyperformance.com.au/articles/

.  Ice ingestion: https://jmvh.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/JMVH_Crushed-Ice.pdf


Remember the very young and not so young may have difficulty regulating and maintaining core body temperatures in extreme weather.

General care for elderly: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/heat-stress-and-older-people


Sports medicine Australia: Beat the Heat - fact sheet


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Cathie19 @Quincy @John1080 @Rachel0

The day has come and gone. We did set a new temperature record today....46.6c (115.88F) in Adelaide! You have no doubt seen it on the news service up there in Darwin Cathie. It was such a big deal channel 7 had an hour long news service to cope with the 'backwash' from the day.

Funnily enough it was even hotter up here in Mt Barker......


We got to 47.2c and even now 9.00pm, sun long gone behind the change clouds that are approaching from the west, it is still 39c!


Normally we love sitting outside at night and have our dinner under the umbrella....away from TV, computers and just spend some private time.




But not tonight...the heat has got the better of us!



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Wow, that's very warm @Robin4! I bet you could fry an egg on the bonnet of your car! Aaaaand, I see delicious food on the table again! 



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Level 10
State of Roraima, Brazil

@Cathie19, @Robin4 , We are technically 2 degrees north north of the equator but here, like you, we only have 2 seasons, hot and wet, and hot and dry. Right now we're in dry season. But thankfully we don't get the extreme heat you do! Wow!! Our day time high is usually 35 with 70% humidity. Yes, this is dry season, at the edge of the jungle. Nighttime temps are about 24. I live in front of my fan and the guests stay in their air conditioned bedrooms. One thing I have to remind folks that want to go to the river is be on the allert for piranhas! As the river goes down in dry season the piranhas get more aggressive. We actually made national news with the number of bites on the rise! Thankfully they are small and only take a small taste! 😉  BTW @Robin4 your food looks wonderful as usual!!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Ah Beth, well you would be quite ok with my guest welcome message on the morning of arrival....

Crocodiles in the lake 2.png

Beth, I love my cooking, never thought I would in younger years but I love the challenge of serving up something nice. This coming Saturday is a biggy for me. It is Australia day, and each year on Aussie day I host a dinner lunch for the street! We get about 20 participants and the food has to be bloody good. At the risk of being a bit boring I will post a few photos of what I prepare on the day!





Level 10
State of Roraima, Brazil

Rob, I await with great anticipation your next photos. I'm sure they will be drool worthy!

Oh @Beth80, we both have biting critters in the water! During the “warmer” months, particularly now, we have box jellyfish which can be deadly too. Sharks are not so much a problem... as they are not at the top of the food chain!!     LOL 🦈🦈🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊

Level 10
Florence, Canada

A little Canadian snow for you, @Cathie19. Took this after cleaning the outhouse yesterday. I know! How romantic. 



Ahh beautiful @Lawrene0, if not a tad cold! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ We love snowflakes...... 😁


I would need to put some footwear on to go to the loo. In fact, I’d need to rug up like the Michelin man, and then some! Brrrrrrrrr.......



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Aw, it looks so pretty @Lawrene0. Our flutter here in London has gone and is now a puddle...


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Level 10
New York, NY

@Cathie19, come to Maine in the winter and sit right here.  With this and the in-floor heating, you'll be as cosy as can be while you look out the windows...IMG_1353.jpegIMG_8128 10-45-12.jpg

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Yes, that fire looks pretty good @Ann72. I might need to pull up a chair, or a floor mattress as I do feel the cold!  Such a tropical softie I am! Lol...  “Do you want to build a snow man?”

@Cathie19 IN FLOOR HEATING!  You can drop your bathrobe on the floor next to the bed and it will be all warm for you in the morning.  Gotcha covered lol!