Help! Gifts for my host(s)

Level 1
Norwich, CT

Help! Gifts for my host(s)

Hello. I am traveling to Switzerland next month and would like to bring my host(s) a gift. I am coming from the US. Any thoughts or suggestions for an appropriate gift?
Please & thank you! 

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Beth4366 That is very thoughtful of you. In your shoes I would ask the host if there is anything they might like from my corner of the world. That way you ensure whatever gift you bring will be enjoyed and valued beyond simply the thought behind it.


@Beth4366   The gifts people in Europe most frequently ask me to bring back from the US are:  tasty snacks from Trader Joe's, jumbo packs of pharmaceuticals from CVS, and cannabis gummies - all stuff we can't get here.


Out of those things, the only one I can see being appropriate for a stranger is the Trader Joe's

Thank you for your suggestions Andrew. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Beth4366  I have  had a few guests ask if they can bring me anything small and light, as they are aware that some things aren't available in Mexico, where I live. I really appreciated that. 


But if you just wanted to bring a small gift without asking, guests have brought me nice handmade soaps or candles, which are always useful. Just make sure it isn't anything heavily scented, as not everyone likes the same scents and some people are allergic to perfumed items. Chocolates are also a nice gift.

Hi Sarah, thank you. I did think maybe soap might be nice. 

@Sarah977 @Beth4366 though bringing chocolates from the US to Switzerland might be kind of an insult.... 😉

I agree. I thought maybe some of our local honey?