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Hello everyone
I have been a host in airbnb since 2015. For the last 3-4 weeks, suddently, email notifications have stopped coming in some cases although we still get all the app notifications in the phone.
Some emails are just not coming. Checked spam, checked filters, nothing. I did go to my account, notifications, unchecked emails, checked SMS, then proceeded to check emails back and unchecked sms, but nothing, still facing many emails not coming my way.
It's a strange behaviour.
Any advice, please?
Hi @Carla-Y-Sara0 strangely we are getting email notifications but not App notifications. Perhaps Airbnb are cost cutting and only sending one or the other but not both!
I actually had this happen yesterday. I was wondering why I wasn't getting any bookings so I went incognito online and checked out my listing placement on the site, and it was no where to be found! I called CS about to be upset, and low and behold, I already had a reservation and I didn't realize it. I didn't receive notification from email or message like I usually always do.
Hi there @Carla-Y-Sara0 @Maia29 @Mike-And-Jane0, have you checked your notification settings by any chance? https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/14/how-do-i-manage-my-notification-settings.
Hi All
As I wrote at the beginning of my post, I have been using Airbnb as a host since 2015.
As I wrote above in this thread, I have, of course, checked the notification settings. All settings are marked correctly, saying we should get emails for basically everything.
To test it further, I unticked the emails, moved out of the page, came back in and reenabled all email settings, in case there was something "hanging" behind the scenes.
I also ticked, then unticked, the SMS settings.
I do believe there is a glitch somehow for certain kind of emails. As I said before, this is NOT impacting notifications in the app in our phones, which is correctly sending everything.
Please, advice.
@Quincy Notifications failing to be sent is a long-standing issue. I failed to receive my text notifications for almost 2 months a couple years ago. Which meant I missed answering a booking request within the allotted time. And even though I answered the guest 25 hours after the request was sent, apologizing and explaining why, and she went right on to book, Airbnb still dinged my response rate, for their tech glitch.
All the hosts telling you this are experienced hosts. It has nothing to do with us not having our notifications set properly.
Thanks Sarah, did you manage to fix it somehow or did it somehow "fix itself" after a while or how did you go about it?
@Carla1067 I contacted Airbnb, and then had to suffer through about 4 back and forth messages with the CS rep, who told me "It must be a problem with your phone provider", "Maybe your text Inbox is full" (Yes, of course I'm so stupid I wouldn't check that before bothering to contact Airbnb), until he finally deigned to consult the Tech Dept and tell me that yes, it was an Airbnb glitch.
He told me to add an alternate number, which I did, but I never got any notifications to that number either. He also told me he'd let me know when they had it fixed, which he never did. One day I just started getting text notifications again. To the original phone number.
Yes I checked settings, all is marked correctly in the system. you can see this int he screenshot attached
Hi @Quincy Its not possible to check at present because the Airbnb website just throws up an ' 'unexpected error' when I try to go to that page.
It is worrying that you think Airbnb accounts just randomly change their settings as I certainly have not changed this.
I guess I'll have to wait until Airbnb fix the website before I can check now.
@Quincy I have always agreed to all notifications and I double checked and they are all still on. It has to be a glitch.
Thanks for letting me know @Mike-And-Jane0 @Maia29. Just want to double check this before I send it over to the team.
Hi Quincy
please, when you send this case over to the tech team, do ensure you include also our case/account as a problematic one.
we still do not receive emails even though we have switched on everything, as can be seen in attached screenshot.
please, help.
@Quincy I can now see the notifications page and both email and text are switched on.
Hi there.
I have a question regarding your email Issues - I am having the same Issues and it has not been resolved.
Are you able now to receive any email Notification?
Thank you.