I hope I'm wrong but I think this virus is going to have crippling affect on the whole industry maybe even put it out of business all together . It has been just a few weeks since the first person tested positive for the virus in Washington and I have had a massive drop in new bookings and several cancellations and a few guest contact me giving me a heads up that they will be canceling. I admit I am not an expert on the whole thing and my only source of information has been the media. It doesn't look like the government banning all travel into the US and maybe across the country is as hard to believe as it was just a few short weeks ago. With so much of my business coming from conventions and sporting tournaments my future in short term renting looks bleak to say the least. And like I said I am no expert but from what I understand there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I haven't heard of anything that needs to happen in order for it to stop. I know they are working on a vaccine but even when they do come up with one its going to take months to produce mass quantities and get it distributed across the country. Then when that happens and the virus is no longer an issue I imagine its going to take time for people to start traveling again and get back to where it was before the virus hit. So its my opinion host need to start planning for life without short term renting and the income they receive from it for a couple of years at least and maybe for good. This is all speculation on my part and if it ends up I dont know what I am talking about, or my timeline isn't accurate which there is a good chance that's the case please let me know.