I'm located in Melbourne and can't travel to beach for Zoom Verification Meeting

I'm located in Melbourne and can't travel to beach for Zoom Verification Meeting

I can't find a contact anywhere on AirBNB to cancel next week's Zoom Verification Meeting at Sorrento.  We are in lockdown and I am not allowed to drive down to Sorrento.  Does anyone know how I can let AirBNB know?  

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Darwin, Australia

I’m sorry @Jill906 , I don’t have the answer - but I’m tagging the Community Centre Managers who might. With all of Melbourne and the Victorian state in full lockdown (closed off to the rest of Australia, please stay positive and safe.

@Quincy , @Liv , @Nick  @Katie , @Lizzie @Stephanie 


I’ve just looked at your lovely listing and what a restful place it would be to stay at during these trying times for you. May I suggest that in your bathroom photo, in your caption, you disclose

whether there is a shower/ bath to the right. You’ve given great descriptions of your extras in the Airbnb space, but I can’t see what the bathroom, and essential room offers (besides basin and loo. This info might be useful for families with kids) Maybe try and experiment getting a photo without yourself in it. Even with just the camera at the door entry, or slightly open a cabinet door. .... This is not a criticism, just a passing thought!  🙂



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Cathie19, thanks for the tag 😊


@Jill906 are you able to let me know if this was a meeting just for yourself or if it's an event with multiple attendees? Also, did you get in touch with Support in the end? Let me know and I can do my best to help here.