If you have to cancel a stay/lose Superhost status...

Level 10
Frederick, MD

If you have to cancel a stay/lose Superhost status...

Can you respond to the notice that your stay was cancelled on your listing?


I am currently in a situation where I will have to cancel a stay due to the rules about COVID 19 in our state. The guest refuses to cancel it saying they will be out a nominal amount. I can't legally host this person. Airbnb support was zero help and it looks like I will have to lose my Superhost listing in order to do this. Which I am okay with. But can I respond to the blurb about my cancellation with something like "cancelled due to COVID-19 safety concerns/state laws?"

16 Replies 16

@Susan17 thanks I will! I am worried about that. I don't have a great history with Airrbnb and payouts being done properly.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Laura, you dodged a bullet here! There appears to be a pool out there of entitled 'hosts'  who are well aware of the rules and know how to exploit them to their own advantage.....and the thing that buggers me is, most of them are Superhosts! They wouldn't like it happening to them, but they are quite prepared to do it to someone else!


Laura, Superhosts do seem to have some revered status amongst the CX phone pool, every time you phone, they go to great pains to compliment you on being a wonderful Airbnb host! For future  reference, just ask for their assistance in cancelling a troublesome reservation and they will do it as a neutral cancellation meaning neither guest or host will be penalised. 

I have done that a few times and it does work.....but you have to ask for their help, not demand it!

