My name is Francine a new host on Airbnb and I am from the I...
My name is Francine a new host on Airbnb and I am from the Island of Antigua and Barbuda. We have 365 beaches and the hospi...
Im renting my apartment to a lady who i hosted for almost 2 weeks now. Last night i got a message on Airbnb from a profile saying that he wanted to tips me that the guest in my apartment is selling sex and using cocaine and he provided me with screen shots on some sex website and the address matches mine.
The guest has one more day to go and i contacted Airbnb support and provided all information yet its been hours ago and no actual emergency response. Im very confused on what should i do and afraid there will be extra responsibility on me.
Should i just ask the guest to leave and cancel the one day remaining? Should i call the police ? Im afraid this might cause a **bleep** storm on my apartment.
Your recommendations are appreciated
A little confused. Who sent you a message saying your guest is using your Airbnb for prostitution and how did they know that this was happening? @Rami27
Do you have CCTV at your listing. If so, you should easily be able to see whether it is being used for prostitution?
What reason did your guest give for wanting to stay at your place?
If no other proof available then what you mentioned and if there are no complaints from neighbours etc, i fear there is not much you or Airbnb can do. As there is only 1 night left, maybe better the guest stays until check-out.
@Rami27 The "tip" you received sounds suspicious in itself. I wonder what motive a user of an escort website would have to track down an Airbnb host to report an alleged sex worker. Perhaps he didn't get what he was hoping for.
I wouldn't recommend getting involved, if the booking is almost over. Do inform the guest that checkout is by 11 AM tomorrow, and make sure that either you or a designated co-host is physically present to inspect the property. If there is any clear evidence of illegal activity or damage, the screenshots you received might bolster your report. But otherwise, I don't see a good reason to take action on the allegations.
The main problem is that your House Rules don't specifically say that guests can't have unregistered visitors during their stay. That's something you might want to change, if you're concerned about your home being used as a makeshift brothel.
@Rami27 How was this person able to show you screenshots through an Airbnb message? I thought all of that was block until an actual booking was confirmed.
@Emilia42 Careful now, we might not want to know how the OP actually came across that escort listing...
I informed the guest that i had a personal situation and that i want them to leave today. I was present at the apartment and managed to take the key and checked the photo that i got from this" informant" and it matches the lady in premises.
I'm not sure what is the motive for the "informant " to tell me this other than he is being a guest for this lady person and having a disagreement. Police didn't help at all
I will cancel their one day left and get it over with.