Instant booking/request to book

Level 2
Ithaca, NY

Instant booking/request to book

I've been hosting for a number of years and have always used the Instant Booking feature.  Recently when folks have been booking my home I'm getting a number of "requests to book" instead of them just instant booking.  I called Airbnb support to make sure there wasn't a problem with my account but the person who answered the phone has absolutely no idea what she was doing, I was very nice and patient as I know they are short staffed but I also need someone to help me out with this and some other opportunities that are popping up.  In the past when someone didn't meet my requirements for instant booking I would get the request but there is no information about why they didn't instant book and I'm concerned it's because they aren't agreeing to my House Rules or something.  The woman I spoke with said it might be because people are splitting the payment up and are paying half now and the other half later but that brings up the $500 security deposit that typically goes on a guests credit card.  I know Airbnb is short staffed and all but this is my home that I'm renting out to strangers and I feel like there is zero support from Airbnb and the support that is provided is just winging it.  Being a Superhost too, I have always in the past get the "hey superhost, someone with be right with your" when I call and get connected with someone ASAP, that's no longer the case either.  Anyone else experiencing anything like this or have another way of contacting Airbnb?


Thank you,


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Daniel597  I don't know what requirements you have set for guests to IB, but there have been a lot of reports from hosts lately that the demographic of guests who are booking now has changed to some extent. A lot of new-to Airbnb users, many younger guests, with no reviews or recommendations. So that might be the issue, rather than them not agreeing to your house rules.

I think there may be some social media buzz about how hosts are desperate for bookings after having all these COVID cancellations, and that it's a great time to book an Airbnb, as you can probably get a sizable discount.

Also, older demographics of guests, who have been members for awhile and have reviews and would easily be eligible to IB,  are probably being far more cautious about travelling during the pandemic, whereas younger, new-to-Airbnb guests, may be more cavalier about any dangers.

So while you may prefer IBs, it might be wiser to have guests with no reviews send a booking request to you, so you can make sure they understand what the expectations are when booking an Airbnb- read thoroughly through the listing description, including the house rules, communicate arrival times, rather than just show up at the door whenever, clean up after yourself, no unregistered guests, etc.

If you are not accustomed to Requests, be aware that you can check a guest's reviews and profile info before accepting or declining. You may find that all these requests are from brand new users with no reviews. And if it is an Inquiry, rather than a Request, you do not have to either pre-approve or decline- just messaging back within 24 hours is all you are required to do.

Level 1
Chicago, IL

I have the same problem. I’m a new host and I want to know why I am still receiving booking requests when I have set my criteria and Instant Booking is on? Is this because the requester has not met all of my criteria? If so, why are they even permitted to make a request only for me to (potentially) deny their request? Makes the criteria setting seem pointless.


Is there a way that I can allow certain folks who do not meet my criteria to send a request and not others? For example, can I allow guests with no reviews to send a request, but NOT guests with poor ratings?


Am I penalized for refusing a request?


I’m really hoping someone can clarify this for me.

Thank you!

@Michael5736 First, which criteria do you have set?


If you required guests to have a government ID to instant book then make sure this box is checked:


Airbnb will do nothing to prevent a booking. So no guests will ever be denied access to send a request unless you physically block them, which is also hard to do.  

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Michael5736 we have Instant Book enabled and get booking requests if

1) They wish to arrive outside of our check in time range

2) They wish to book within our minimum notice period for starting the booking.

IT CAN BE HARD to spot why the guest has been forced into a booking request rather than just booking.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Michael5736  As you are accustomed to IB bookings, make sure you understand the difference between an inquiry and a request. 


For inquiries, you only have to answer their message within 24 hrs, you don't have to click on pre-approve or decline.


For requests, you do have to either accept or decline within 24 hrs, and declining affects your Acceptance rate. So one tactic is to encourage the guest to withdraw the request if you woukdn't accept it. Briefly explain to the guest why you can't accept, and make it sound like it is to their advantage to withdraw the request, so they will be free to place another request for a listing that meets their needs. If they withdraw it before the 24 hrs is up, you won't have to decline.


As a host who has never used IB, I can tell you that I have accepted guests with no reviews and they have been fine guests. Vetting on your own requires a combo of checking out their past reviews, if they have any, looking at their profile write-up, if they have bothered to fill it out, and how they communicate with you. 


If they respond in a timely fashion, are articulate and polite, give you some info about themselves, or why they are coming to the area, and answer any questions you pose to them, those are all signs that they will be good guests.


If they are new to Airbnb, you should make sure they have thoroughly read through your listing info and house rules, are aware of your cancellation policy, etc. and understand that only guests accounted for on the booking will be admitted to the property.


For sure it takes more time than IB, but I can tell you that I have never had a bad guest even though they wouldn't have met IB criteria.