"Airbnb is working day and night to assist hosts" is a complete fault promise that you shouldn't consider it will ever happen. "Airbnb Host Guarantee" is a joke, "Airbnb Plus" is even more funny joke, and now this. I don't know how many times they have to throw hosts under the bus for us to realize they couldn't careless.
You might have a better chance on calling your bank and ask for a delay mortgage payment or some kind of arrangements. Because the AU reserve bank just cuts interest rate, print more money, the government is pumping billions of dollars and been advising banks to ease on small business and home owners.
And I think the best thing you could do is start looking for alternative for your business. Start listing in Booking.com, Homeaway, market your listing on Facebook, or print out your listing flyer and put them up on local shops and business. It's tough time and only the strong survive, so I currently do all of these. I don't know how it works out but at least I know I try my best.