Is it possible for the co-host to become the main host?

Level 1
London, GB

Is it possible for the co-host to become the main host?

Hi There, 

Do you know whether there is a way to change from being co-host to main host? Somebody is currently the main host on the advert of my flat but I will take over and I don't want to lose the previous reviews and future bookings. This person has a listing of flats. 

Is it possible? 



2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sophie1483 


You could become the "primary host" of the listing- but the listing will still be under control of the "listing admin" (that's the person who created the listing on their account)


There is no way of changing listing admins unfortunately, so you would need to create a new listing on your own profile, and your reviews will then show there.


The current listing has 15 reviews which have come in the last few months, so I am sure it wouldn't take you long to build up the same if you re-list. 

Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Sophie1483 as @Paul1255 said you can't change the listing admin, and furthermore all reviews and ratings stay with the listing admin, not the property, regardless of who is the primary host. It's actually a violation of terms of service to transfer an account to another person; Airbnb wants you to start over.