@Mary3999 "In addition, we had other issues including dirty rugs and cockroaches." As a host yourself, you should be aware that if a guest arrives to find the place unacceptable in some way- dirty, inaccurately described, etc, the protocol is to first report it to the host, giving them an opportunity to correct the issue, and if they can't, or won't, you then decide whether it's a big enough issue to warrant cancelling and leaving, or whether it's something you can live with or remedy yourself (i.e. washing the dirty rugs, if they are small enough to throw in the washing machine). If you just continue to stay, that indicates that the place was acceptable to you, and you can't fairly complain about it after the fact.
As for the faucet that took 4 days to be repaired, I think you are due some refund for the inconvenience, yes. I have no idea what the nightly fee was, but $50/ day seems somewhat excessive for the inconvenience. I assume you had access to water and could have filled a pail with water to keep at the sink. It doesn't seem like a huge deal to me, as something like a non-functioning toilet, or a non-working refrigerator or stove would be.