Please write to Airbnb and ask that they demand Joe Gebbia to disassociate himself from the company and step down.
Joe Gebbia owns 7% of the company. His personal political contributions are a conflict of interest on so many levels, and are exact opposite of AirBNB's core values. AirBNB Host are small business owner, I'm one of them, and it's a sad state of affairs when you have to boycott your own business.
Per AirBNB's website - "As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and belonging, we offer a variety of ways to represent the communities we serve, whether it's workshops to enhance diversity awareness, broad growth and development opportunities, or employee resource groups where we can all connect with, learn from, and celebrate the richness of your identity with your coworkers. No matter how you identify, everyone is welcome in all our communities.
And AirBNB's platform is based on the "power of community and the importance of fostering spaces where everyone can feel welcome. Over the last several years, Airbnb has implemented a number of programs and policies to build inclusion and fight discrimination." As Host, we aren't allowed to see who we are booking,, in an effort to prevent discrimination, until after they have been vetted and booked.
While boycotting AirBNB will affect me personally, it's the small AirBNB hosts around the world, who are depending on their AirBNB investments to pay their mortgage, who are the victims. Actually we All are if we continue to allow them to take over everything.
Maybe it won't help, but it can't hurt so please consider sending a quick note to AirBNB link.