Just a simple hello

Just a simple hello

Hi my name is Marie-Alice and I started with Airbnb in November 2020. I am learning a lot but loving it. This is very important to me as it helps me to reach my goal of financial independence. I am looking forward to doing this for a long time!! I hope to learn from all of you how to be the best hostess that I can be. 

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@MarieAlice1 Hello, welcome, and good luck.


Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @MarieAlice1 and welcome to the Community Centre! 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @MarieAlice1, that's great! You're certainly in the right place, the Community is full of experienced hosts who are happy to offer some advice 😊


Welcome and the best of luck in your hosting journey 🏅

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Level 2
Nairobi, Kenya

Hey @MarieAlice1 ...welcome