Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has jo...
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Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has joined DOGE? Does he still earn income from Airbnb as a board membe...
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Thanks to all of you who sent concerned messages relating to my absence here, I will personally DM you all when I can!
I have had 23 days over in NSW with my daughters and grandkids and, just to make sure I didn't go off the rails, I took Ade and Betts (the dog) along too.
Eldest daughter Sarah's partner (Lisa) is a pathologist with the Glebe Coroners Court and spends her days doing autopsies but, at home her pride and joy are her laying hens! She has a (chook pen) and named them all, and each day lavishes care on them and they in turn reward here with a basket full of eggs.
I told Sarah I would do a 'hen' mosaic for Lisa's birthday and this put me under a bit of pressure because you can't run a mosaic up in a few hours.....it took me 10 days! Here is a shortened timeline of my progress. It measures 1 metre by 500mm, (1 yard x 20 inches) and the only tools I had at my disposal were a hammer and a nibbling tool.....
We had a great time and Lisa got a bit teary with the end result!
it's also a bit sad when your family lives 1,400 Kms away but we make the pilgrimage 3 times a year....next trip is in August, I love the drive, the dog travels well....which is more than I can say for Ade, she finds it a struggle and has a suitcase full of grizzles but, to spend 10 days with the grand daughters and another 10 with our other daughter makes it all worthwhile.
I had a guest here for much of the time we were away and that was great, she looked after the garden and I am hopefull we can come to a similar arangement the next time we head east again in August.
It was nice to get away from the CC.....but it's nicer to be back!
Hello @Robin4
So nice to hear from you again. That is a stunning mosaic! Best wishes to you all !!!
Sounds like a wonderful break, and great pics of the mosaic! Glad you're back @Robin4 :)))
So gladyou're back @Robin4
Sounds like you had a lovely visit..... and the mosaic is absolutely wonderful~!!!!
So relieved to hear all is well and you have been enjoying a nice break with the family, @Robin4. 🙂
I love your mosaic (particularly the additional egg). I've said it before, but you are certainly a man of many talents.
It's lovely to see you back in the CC.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
The funny thing about that egg Lizzie, I started off trying to do a mosaic egg and it just looked ridiculous so I sought out a landscape supply yard in the Wollongong area and bowled through the front door and up to the counter and said...."I want to buy one small river rock. I know it sounds stupid but I need it for a project"!
The guy looked at me like I was a complete halfwit and I showed him a photo on the phone of what I was doing. He directed me to a bunker that had about 70 tons of river rocks and said...."Mate, if you can find the rock you want, it's yours with my compliments!"
For the next 5 minutes I climbed over that massive pile of literally millions of river rocks until I found one just the right size and shape.
Lizzie, you just need a bit of perserverance and initiative in this life girl, and it's amazing what you can achieve!
I drove out of that landscape yard thinking....'I wonder how many times that guy has sold one single pebble in his landscaping business life".......It's a bit like walking into Cosco/Aldi and buying a single almond!!
@Robin4 Woohoo!! He’s back! I admit to being one of the fretting few who hassled you whilst on holiday. Rather pleased to see you back old man 🙂
Hey, that mosaic is utterly stunning! Heh, so I’m not the only artist that ends up with family “commissions” whilst on holiday without my tools. I bet you wore down that nibbler!
You never 'hassled' me mate, it was lovely to talk to you!
Most of those pieces would not 'nibble' Ben! All the grey background were too hard to nibble and I have to tell you here at this point...if there was a 'hammer' in a symphony orchestra....I would be a virtuoso! I have a delicate touch like you would not believe where hammer and porcelain are concerned!!!
@Robin4 Who wow. So what you’re saying it, you learned the ancient skill of precision breakage. Always fascinated me how early man did that, chipping slices of stone or obsidian (black glass) to make blades for weapons...
I went looking for him too!
Okay @Robin4 , aka stranger! Been guessing your whereabouts, and had considered off with family....
By the way, that’s a “crackin” mosaic you’ve made there! I must admit, I had a bit of a “cackle” at the sight of the egg... in fact it’s eggxellent!
I also know how your heart strings feel about distance with families. We’ve got a newbie grandchild being born in just over a couple of weeks, and then you know the 3000 kilometres is too far!
Take care you two, plus Betts!
Lisa and Sarah after much thought have decided to call her 'Megs'....with the emphasis on ....eggs.
We had an unveiling last Friday night with a lovely meal, all the family together...and I felt like a rather proud individual.
Congratulations Grandma.....see, you are never too old to achieve something in this life Cathie!