Leaving review

Level 2
Warsaw, MO

Leaving review

Is it necessary to leave a review for a guest (who is actually a host herself) that never showed or contacted anyone about not being able to keep their reservation? She booked non refundable which helps because I didn’t loose money but if she hadn’t booked that way i would have been out a lot of money for the days and no other guest would have been able to book those days and i would have lost all that money. 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Hi @Harmony26 

If the guest never shows, they could still leave a review for you. So, if I were you, I would leave an honest review that says just what you said here, "This guest never showed up. They were charged due to the fact that they booked a non-refundable reservation". That way, if this host leaves you an unfavorable review, you will have some recourse to try to have their review removed.


Ted & Chris
6 Replies 6
Level 10
Prescott, AZ

Hi @Harmony26 

If the guest never shows, they could still leave a review for you. So, if I were you, I would leave an honest review that says just what you said here, "This guest never showed up. They were charged due to the fact that they booked a non-refundable reservation". That way, if this host leaves you an unfavorable review, you will have some recourse to try to have their review removed.


Ted & Chris
Level 2
Warsaw, MO

Thank you for your advise! As far as rating the cleanliness, communication, and following house rules how do I rate that. With 5 stars or 1?


I personally would give a 1 for communication! Same for following house rules, but 5 stars for cleanliness!

Then check: would not host again! But, as a fellow host, I would like to see that review that they booked and did not show, to consider when they might request to stay with me. I look at reviews before I accept a guest, and that might be a problem guest to accept. Please review them.

Ted & Chris

That’s exactly why I was asking because i thought other hosts would like to know that info about guests as I do. But I didn’t want to be harsh or mean about it. She is also a host and should know better! Thank you for all help! 


I do not think it is harsh or mean to tell the facts of what happened. If you as a host cancel on a guest, for whatever reason, an automatic review is posted by AirBnB about you. Only fair for no show guests to have a review. You got paid this time, but you Still might not be if they leave a bad review about you and ask for a refund within 3 days.

Ted & Chris
Level 2
Warsaw, MO

I think they may have possibly just forgot but I would think as a host she would have her notifications on like I do all the time and she never even responded. I don’t think I’ll get a bad review cause up until their arrival date everything had been just fine. Thanks for all your information