Looking for a co-host in Round Rock, TX

Level 1
Fremont, CA

Looking for a co-host in Round Rock, TX

Looking for a co-host in Round Rock, TX

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Greenville, SC

I don’t see your property or properties in your profile.

Level 2
South Miami, FL

Hey there!  My husband and I currently co-host 4 properties.  We do all of the online guest and listing management for the property owners.  We would love to help if you are still in need.  Let us know, thank you!

Level 2
Round Rock, TX



My wife and I live in Round Rock and can provide maintenance and cleaning services. We have mulitiple rentals in the Austin area. We also host a property in Ruidoso NM. Let us know if you need some local help.



Hi Les-

I would love to co-host with you! We do everything from start to finish! Photography ,cleaning, maintenance, online presence, with optimization, and 24/7 guest support.

Check out our website to see what we offer.




**[Sensitive information removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

Hi Karthik,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Celia, and I currently manage an Airbnb property in Georgetown, TX, for a gentleman who resides in Georgia. My journey began as a personal assistant, where I utilized my skills in lifestyle and interior design to enhance several rooms in his single-family home. He soon discovered my background as a realtor, and after witnessing my work ethic and professionalism, he entrusted me with the management of his Airbnb, which has successfully maintained a 5-star Superhost status.

I initially proposed an 18% management fee, and as a result of our collaboration, I now handle all aspects of the property—from guest communications to hosting and preparing the home after cleaning. This role allows me to leverage my design skills while ensuring a seamless guest experience.

I am now looking to expand my portfolio by managing additional properties. With the knowledge I've gained from my current position and a reliable team of cleaning, landscaping, and maintenance professionals at my disposal, I am confident in my ability to help you achieve similar success.

If you're open to exploring the possibility of collaborating, I would be happy to discuss a management fee of 18%, similar to my current arrangement.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of working together!

Best regards,


Level 3
Miami, FL

Hello, my name is Ely, I'm available to help you with everything related to your property. I'm available and willing to make you a Super Host.


Have nice day

