Looking for a co-host in Scottsdale AZ

Level 1
San Jose, CA

Looking for a co-host in Scottsdale AZ



My husband and I just put up our first Airbnb property in AZ.  We live in Ca so we are looking for someone in the local area to help us co-host that can go to the property as needed.  Help us restock, schedule repairs, and assist with a guest if they need anything while at our property.   Any advice is welcome.  ]

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Scottsdale, AZ

Hi @Ellie308 . Just seeing your post. I've lived 15 years in the Valley and had a listing with a 4.92 rating and 14 reviews. I've since sold it but looking to expand into co-hosting/managing and happy to discuss it with you if you're still looking. Thank you


Youri Litvine: ylitvine@gmail.com
