May 15 deadline for hosts to cancel without penalty - can it be extended

May 15 deadline for hosts to cancel without penalty - can it be extended


I'm putting this out to the community center (not practical to contact airbnb directly at this time....)

Airbnb set a deadline of May 15 for hosts to cancel without penalty to clear their calendars for long term rentals.  But this is too early, given the situation, many lockdowns just being lifted a few days ago in some regions.   I suspect many hosts like myself,  trying to decide whether to keep short term reservations on the calendar or "punt" and clear them all for long term.  More time is needed, perhaps to end of May.  I am hopeful airbnb will extend the May 15 deadline to be more reasonable.  Thanks, Dave

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

There's a promised update to the EC policy today, @Dave52, but being as Airbnb run on Pacific Time, I guess we'll hear much later tonight/tomorrow.

Thanks, will keep a lookout for update! Hopefully somebody at airbnb is thinking about extending this. date.  May 15 is too soon.  We are all living in a very fluid situation with ever changing travel restrictions and lockdowns still in effect and varying all over the world.  Changing from STR to LTR strategy will take some more time, depending on the situation.