Hello everyone,
Thanks to those of you who were able to join last Friday's meetup. It was such a relaxed session, we just had a much needed chat–I don't think we even realised we had been talking for nearly two hours!
Getting ready for the next one. We are back on an APAC friendly timezone.
Our next social meetup will be:
Friday June 12th, 12PM (UK time)*
Friday June 12th, 7AM (New York / Toronto)
Friday June 12th, 1PM (Spain)
Friday June 12th, 8PM (Seoul)
Friday June 12th, 9PM (Sydney)
Friday June 12th, 11PM (Auckland)
If you would like to join, please register before the start time using this specific link (this link changes each week so if you have registered before, you will need to do it again - sorry): https://airbnb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqf-qvpj0oEt2YYhBFE9pwx-AVX0rJWGkA
Not sure how to use Zoom? Check out this CC guide.
New to CC socials: For anyone new to the socials, it's a weekly online meetup where CC members come together to connect with each other and have a bit of positivity along the way. It's not specifically Airbnb focused and anyone new is very welcome.
Theme: in the last meetup, we carried on the conversation about cooking something together and I said I would start a topic to share recipe ideas for things we could do. I am so sorry that I've only just created it. I thought we could decide there what we are going to cook (maybe something easy to begin with) and decide which week we want to do it. Here it is: Live from the kitchen: let's cook together...
If you have any ideas of what you would like to talk about this week (as it might be a little short notice for the cook-a-long), please do share below.
Looking forward to seeing you.
@Cathie19, @Lawrene0, @Robin4, @Melodie-And-John0, @Clara116, @Christine615, @Jessica-and-Henry0, @Ann72, @Kimberly29, @Roberta2, @Stephanie, @Quincy, @Gordon0, @Sandra126, @Helen3, @Helen350, @Yvonne609 , @Manasui0, @Kemi9, @Marissa107, @Wave-Autumn-Vine0, @Ryan350, @Suzanne302, @Ria16, @Ozge5, @Rochelle12, @Jason1350, @Ann489, @Yadira22, @Alexandra316,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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