Memories from Guests

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Memories from Guests

Sometimes, when guests check out, they graciously leave something behind as a thank you, so the host will remember them—not just cleaner tips or forgotten phone chargers, but real, meaningful mementos.

In my case, one guest, who was apparently a writer, left me her book with a personal dedication inside. The book was added to the house library, and whenever I host a guest who speaks Spanish, the language of the book, I present it to them.

Another time, a super funny family who drove all the way from France left me a full kit with instructions on how to prepare the perfect mojito, including a bottle of rum and a small mint plant to grow in the garden. We planted it, and since then we’ve called it by the guest’s name.

Please share your experiences! It would be lovely to hear more about the creative and generous ways guests have said thank you beyond words.

17 Replies 17

Hi @Robin4 I'm saved with your note. I was thinking Airbnb was gonna ban me from hosting with the things that guests leave for me. Love to host as love and gratitude is indispensable. Happy hosting.

Level 2
Chicago, IL

She gave us a very positive 5-star recorded review with the permission to use it for marketing. 

Level 6
Rockport, TX


Great memories!

We also have had so many .   We had two beautifully crocheted cats that one of our Guests left.   Sometimes it will be a small bag of their favorite candy.    The best are when our Guests write in our book.   The compliments and kind words are really priceless and mean so much to us.  We realize that not only did we have fantastic Guests, but that we have made lasting friendships.