Hi all, I just want to let the community know regarding a re...
Hi all, I just want to let the community know regarding a recent horrific experience we had booking a stay at the "Sunrise St...
A potential guest asked about COVID quarantaine rules in my country.
So i sent him the official link from Dutch Governement.
Result in message "website blocked by Airbnb"
Another one wanted to know the separate amounts for VAT and Tourist Tax (as it is not specified in booking process)
I sent the figures, resulting in "phone number blocked by Airbnb"
I like to include the link to my Airbnb homepage (called by Airbnb: "your personal marketing page" !) in my listings, so potential guests can easily see i have more rooms.
It is not allowed.
Airbnb, can the robots be fired, please ?
Thank you.
I understand their motivations, but yes, it gets in the way of being helpful. It's another reason why we use WhatsApp for regular dialogue with confirmed guests.
@Emiel1 at least we don't have to waste our time on providing detailed information to guests before they book 🙂
What bothers me more is that I can't give them a link to my house rules, itinerary, and description bc Airbnb uses popup windows....... And to the resolution center which is so well hidden that half of my guests can't find it
To make things worse - page layouts and links names (!) are different on desktop and mobile phones so even guiding them is difficult. For example, house rules on desktop have a "Show more" link while on the mobile phone it's a different link named "Additional rules" ((if I remember correctly)
A few years ago I knew exactly where is the page and info I need. Now... I have no idea... I have to click around like a blind chicken searching for a grain. And I am using Airbnb every single day... imagine how confusing it is for some new or occasional user. No wonder they book and don't have a clue what they have booked.
Just a subnote about the "resolution center":
Like many Airbnb functions, Guests can't pay a resolution center request for money via the mobile app. They can only use the web interface (using a web browser, not the app). It's not possible through the app.
What's even more frustrating is that if a user wants/needs to use the Airbnb web interface (because that's the only way to do something on their phone or mobile device), clicking on the resolution center in their web browser will open the >app<, which they can't use for certain functions, so they have to wait until they're in front of a computer. Or figure out how to reconfigure their mobile settings to not automagically open the app when going to an Airbnb link.
@Elaine701 Wow! That’s great ,specially on the trip ! No wonder so many guests are struggling to pay
There is the "things guests must know before booking" facility (wording paraphrased). Apparently, this is presented to the guest at the last step in booking, and requires their acknowledgement. It gives you the opportunity to present critical house rules or limitations at booking time and make sure they are aware. IIRC, It's very limited in number of characters you can enter, so you have to be very brief.
But aside from that, the Airbnb message system, while useful and important for creating a record of dialogue with the guest (which should always be used when conversing about issues that have or may arise during their stay), is by comparison to other mediums, rather slow and limited...
...and apparently unreliable as well. We've had many guests who claim they never received any notification of any messages on the system, and therefore never looked, resulting in your message to them being missed entirely.
And that's not good... for example if they're confused with driving directions, or something in the house isn't working, or they're asking for a pharmacy, or looking for a restaurant recommendation for this evening... They need an answer. Now. Not tomorrow.
Responsiveness is a critical factor in successful hosting. Not just because Airbnb says so, but because it's just good business.
Guests perceive nonresponsiveness or inability to receive information as a frustrating red flag, and will naturally rush to judgement. And that often taints their reviews, regardless of how good their experience.
@Elaine701 you are totally right.
I went on a vacation and left Silvia deals with our guests . She had to download ABB application and then I needed an hour to figure out how she can enable notifications to her phone.
We needed another hour to add her phone to our profile and I couldn't do that without her bc she had to get a verification code on her phone and verify it.
Of course, new guests don't take time for that and if they don't check their ABB account regularly they have no idea they got a message.
This process should be much simpler.
Regarding the link to my homepage:
It is stll in my listings as a text (non-clickable), i smuggeled it in when robots were looking in other direction !
But now i am not allowed to change the listing description without loosing the link,
(but the value of having it there is very high, so no changes ! )
The platform has some strange quirks, for example on all screens and communication only the first name of the guest is shown durng booking process before confirmation. But there is 1 place also the surname is displayed (makes it more easy to find some information about the potential guest on the Internet).
And what about the famous "price calculator" ?
Well hidden in the caverns of the listings calender, impossible to link directly and Smart Pricing must be turned of first before it pops up anyway !
The conclusion:
The platform only works well if you know the quirks and know how to use "hidden features"
I strugled recently with to many booking request/inquires combined with pending "extensions of stay", and i can asure you: it is a real challenge to limit amount of declines and at the same time maximize reservations in a way everybody is happy.
So Airbnb, please stop being a control freak:
An experienced (super)host is very well capabel of running the business without your annoying interference, also known as "Artificial Intelligence"
Thank you for firing the robots !
que veux dire le massage cette demande d information a ete bloque car comportant des risques
j ai recu ca qd une personne a voulu reserver