@Neil566 @Marie1009 @Sybe @Piotr48
Thank you Marie, Neil and Sybe for taking the time to comment and follow my case.
In answer to your question, Neil, I was offered a 100 USD compensation from two Airbnb support team member and was even instructed to lower my Western Union payout minimum amount to 100 USD which I promptly did but the compensation was never sent.
It isn't a huge issue.
I am just happy to have this particular episode behind me.
In Armenia (especially in the rural areas) 60% to perhaps as many as two thirds of our guests during the mid and high season hail from Russia so Airbnb is no longer an option for them.
I don't think the Airbnb platform is one that I can justify using any longer.
The risk reward ratio is just too high.
I am also appalled by the politicisation of the platform and the anti-Russian decisions that were made by Airbnb when at a drop of a hat (or more precisely a clock of a button on the keyboard) they cancelled all payments to Russian and Belarusian hosts despite that it was possible to still operate for at least three months and/or find ways to soften the financial shock in March and April 2022.
In conclusion the whole experience was an eye-opener.
For more than a decade I steer clear from American corporations as much as I can.
I have no respect and no love for corporations that heap profits at the same time poisoning ignorant clients with GMO and preservative filled 'food' (ie American junk food chains), GMO and antibiotic chemical filled cancer inducing crops such as Monsanto and the social media and entertainment companies that diligently achieve a level of zombification of the populace never thought possible before.
I feel the collective West is very much in a stage similar to that of the USSR in the late 1980's.
The main difference is that in the USSR 99% of the population was aware of the greed and incompetence of the 'system' and so hardly anybody bought into the state sponsored propaganda.
In the West a vast majority (maybe as high as 90% of the Western public) actually believe the system is working in their favour and that their leaders have a moral compass which is probably why the collapse of the collective West circa 2023 - 2026 will be a lot more tragic and violent than that of the USSR in 1989 - 1992.