Money taken

Level 1
Aberystwyth, United Kingdom

Money taken

Hi everyone,


Just a little help. I tried to book somewhere but AIR BNB wouldn't let me book it until I confirmed my ID. The pictures I submitted were going to take upto a week to be confirmed and I wanted to make sure I secured the booking so cancelled it on my account (before it had been accepted by the host) and booked it on my partners account. Upon checking my bank account, I've realised they've charged me the full amount for the booking. What can I do?


Thanks in advance!


Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Have you been charged, @Beth4372, or is the money 'pending' (held) on your card? If it's the former, it'll be a call to customer service on 020 3318 1111. Get a cuppa; you're going to have quite a wait.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Have you been charged, @Beth4372, or is the money 'pending' (held) on your card? If it's the former, it'll be a call to customer service on 020 3318 1111. Get a cuppa; you're going to have quite a wait.