New Hosts: How Do You Feel About Starting Your Hosting Adventure?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

New Hosts: How Do You Feel About Starting Your Hosting Adventure?



We’re thrilled to have you on board as part of our vibrant Hosting community 🎉

Embarking on a Hosting journey is an exciting experience for new Hosts. As you prepare to welcome your first guests into your homes and create new experiences, a range of emotions and expectations emerge. 


How do you feel about opening your doors to guests for the first time, and what are you most excited to learn or improve upon during your Hosting journey? 🤩

We’re here to support you every step of the way with resources, guidance and a community of experienced Hosts. Tell us what kind of support you’re looking for and what goals you’re aiming to achieve as a new Host. 👇 

Looking forward to seeing your replies, 

Rebecca 🦋 



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190 Replies 190
Level 3
Welkenraedt, Belgium

Bonjour Rebecca. 
Jusqu’à présent tout se passe bien. Les voyageurs semblent  très contents du logement et des services Annexes. 
Ils sont très respectueux des lieux. 
Rien à dire. Parfait. 😀


Translation: Hello Rebecca.
So far everything is going well. Travellers seem very happy with the accommodation and related services.
They are very respectful of the place.
Nothing to say. Perfect. 😀

Merci pour le suivi et l’aide de airbnb. CollierMerci pour le gentil message de bienvenue! 


Translation: Thanks for the follow-up and help from airbnb. NecklaceThank you for the kind welcome message!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Isabelle2383 👋


That's great to hear! While you're exploring, take a moment to check out all the amazing resources available in the Community Center. It's a vibrant hub where you can connect with fellow hosts and get valuable support.



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Level 1
Naples, Italy

Grazie per il messaggio e’ un esperienza nuova ma bellissima sono felice di far parte di questa community ❤️


Translation: Thanks for the message, it's a new but beautiful experience, I'm happy to be part of this community ❤️

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

We're so happy for you to be here @Irene1439 👋


While you're exploring, take a moment to check out all the amazing resources available in the Community Center. It's a vibrant hub where you can connect with fellow hosts and get valuable support.



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Level 2
Chapel Hill, NC

Thank you very much for the nice welcome message.

Yes, I'm trilled to join this community!! 

Any advice is welcome, I'm still learning and want to enhance the experience for my guest. 



Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Nancy2193


A huge welcome to the Community Center! It's great to have you here with us. You've come to the right place as we're here to support you!


Feel free to start a conversation and ask any questions you may have!  😊



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Dear Rebecca

Thank you for your message, Im happy to be here with my apartment, and i doin well after the first month.

I feel I will be here for long time😊

Have a nice weeend.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Lóránt0 👋


Thank you for your response, and I'm glad to hear that you're happy with your apartment and doing well after the first month as a host. It's great to have you as part of the Airbnb community, and it's wonderful to hear that you have a positive outlook for the future.
If you ever have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out. 😊





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Level 3
Peterborough, Canada

Hello & thank you for taking the time to show your support! Our first guests arrive tomorrow, so hopefully everything is all ready! I came into the a bit reluctantly as initially the space was built for my parents to live next to us & then only lived there a year 😢 So now we will welcome people from around the globe & hopefully make many great memories! I have always enjoyed being able to stay in air bnb’s while on vacation, so this should be a good fit! I had 4 bookings in the first week but have had no other ones this week. So fingers crossed that I continue to fill up the calendar. 🤞🏻 Any tips on getting bookings would be appreciated. Also, do most people do a 2 night minimum, or is it better to leave at one while trying to get things going?

Thank you for any input! Sylvia


Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Sylvia929 👋


You're very welcome, and thank you for sharing your excitement about hosting your first guests! It's completely normal to feel a mix of emotions as you embark on this new journey.
It's wonderful that you're now able to welcome guests from around the globe and create new memories. 🌍

 Great question about bookings, I strongly encourage you to start a conversation!  😊


Looking forward to seeing you around! 



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Level 2
Étival, France

Bonjour Rebecca merci pour ce petit message d'accueil. Je suis contente de louer enfin mon gîte que j'ai fabriqué pendant une année et j'ai pris plaisir à le décorer. Maintenant j'ai eu deux réservations qui se sont bien passées et j'ai déjà des réservations. J'adore faire ce nouveau métier, et comme j'aime voyager, j'espère moi aussi ensuite pouvoir partir dans de beaux logements. Au plaisir de discuter, Delphine du Jura 😉


Translation: Hello Rebecca, thank you for this little welcome message. I am happy to finally rent my cottage that I made for a year and I enjoyed decorating it. Now I've had two reservations that went well and I already have reservations. I love doing this new job, and as I love traveling, I too hope to then be able to go to nice accommodation. Looking forward to discussing, Delphine du Jura 😉

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Bonjour @Delphine648 👋


You're most welcome, and thank you for your lovely message! It sounds like you've put a lot of care and effort into creating a welcoming space for your guests and it's great to see that you're enjoying this new venture and that it aligns with your love for traveling.
If you ever have any questions, need advice, or simply want to discuss hosting experiences, don't hesitate to start a conversation and ask any questions you may have!  😊



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Hello Rebecca

I appreciate your enquiry to tell about my feeling on hosting business.

Sure, I'm excited to be a part of this group and I'm learning new things every day. Currently I being


planning to  expand all part of my building to  host more people.

As a novice in this industry, I would appreciate any assistance on going issues for the  future.


Thank you so much and I wish good luck to all the host of the community!




Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Yonahaileg-C0 👋


It's great to hear that you're excited to be a part of the hosting community and that you're constantly learning new things. 
The Airbnb community is filled with helpful hosts who are willing to share their experiences and offer advice. Don't hesitate to seek assistance from fellow hosts by starting a conversation and ask any questions you may have!  😊



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