New monthly booking system does not show on the App ,! on w

Level 2
Mayfield, Australia

New monthly booking system does not show on the App ,! on w

Hi all, just been booked for a month at huge discount!

Unfortunately the new system does not show up on the app.

Airbnb assistance does not seem to understand this is a major issue !

Anyone else same issue !

It's extremely disappointing!


Brad Tulloch 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

hey @Brad835  well I see you're not a newbie so it's not the 20% intro discount. 
I don't understand what you mean by "new system" showing up on the app. 

did you approve the booking or was it IB?


Level 2
Mayfield, Australia

The new monthly booking system is NOT on the app.

I had no idea until yesterday.

Many other changes since last update as well !

Level 2
Mayfield, Australia

I need to talk to someone who actually uses the app and understands how it works.

Thank you and kind regards

Brad Tulloch