

Help..I am new to Airbnb and just lost my first booking due to load shedding as it disrupted the internet and only received notice 3 x days later.. Thanks

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What is 'load shedding'? @Cookie11 


Do you have the App downloaded on your phone?


Sorry it's not clear, what's your question?

Its when our National Power Supply shuts off electricity for a couple of hours and this disrupts the internet server.

Level 4
Cannon Rocks, South Africa

In South Africa ..our electicity provider has decided to save on electricity by switching off electricity in stages. 

It is very difficult to make amends to the disruption to planning of meals or washing  and restaurants and bussinesses have to close thier doors or have generators to keep basic functions running. 

We found cellphone towers also get disrupted. 

I would download  info on loadshedding and the unfortunate effects on our communications and phone airbnb to explain. .

Try to make provision for your guests. 

Gas appliances and solar light systems and candles are now part of our hosting. 

Also get the PUSh app from Eskom and give your guests a printout or screenshot so that they can plan their day. 

Make a list of restaurants with generators as well as shops that will be open with loadshedding. 

We are helpless in this situation, but we have things that we can put in place to make guests happy. 

Try to get a solar or battery powered light fitting at outdoor shops . It can charge phones if power fails. I have one for each unit and myself. 

Cell signal is a problem. It will only pick up signal when you drive to an area that has reception. 

My sister and I has access to each others emails. If she is offline ..I can read her messages and send her a sms ...and vice verca. 

Sms service sometimes go through. 

But not emails and whatsapp etc. 

Hope you can resolve this matter 

Cannon Rocks