how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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About Airbnb new politic: Wearing a mask and practice social distancing.
I want to notify my point of view.
It's not Airbnb, job or right to impose what I should do inside MY PROPERTY and never the less, what I should do with my OWN PERSON/BODY.
If the guests want to protect themself, it's their right and decision.
Airbnb passed my own limits, and the limit of what right they have over MY PROPERTY, or what they can require me to. I don't agree, they to impose me the need to wear a mask inside MY PROPERTY. It's not a public place.
I hope Airbnb will back off with their stupid, abusive and useless decision before November, 20th.
If I don't have any choice, I will, the 19th of November, not one day before, (dis)agree to your NEW ABUSIVE RULE. Meanwhile, I will look for alternatives to Airbnb.
In Mexico, the active covid cases represent less than 0,1%.
fake, fake and fake! If you don't like the mask, don't involve WHO! While waiting for the moderators to wake up or for the WHO to come over to denounce the comment, look at this page.
It is clearly written: "If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!
Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people."
A simple google search would have been enough to find out the truth!! Here there is nothing clear and lucid, in lies there is only lie! You are making confusion by randomly putting various and past WHO statements! Check also what it is written at the top of that page: "These materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves. Last updated 20 October 2020".
So please change your mind and cancel that comment as the best answer. It is a clear fake.
Thank you
fake, fake and fake! If you don't like the mask, don't involve WHO! While waiting for the moderators to wake up or for the WHO to come over to denounce the comment, look at this page.
It is clearly written: "If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work. Do it all!
Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people."
A simple google search would have been enough to find out the truth!! Here there is nothing clear and lucid, in lies there is only lie! You are making confusion by randomly putting various and past WHO statements! Check also what it is written at the top of that page: "These materials are regularly updated based on new scientific findings as the pandemic evolves. Last updated 20 October 2020".
So please change your mind and cancel that comment as the best answer. It is a clear fake.
Thank you
There is nothing normal about wearing a mask.
There is nothing normal about a global pandemic that's killed over a million people in 9 months, either. @Ben529
I can understand what you say. However, if we talk about WHO statements, we should understand that we should let WHO talk about instead of inventing and / or taking pieces of past statements to create a false story. Do you understand?
@Francesco1366 I admire your efforts, but don't waste the pixels.
Arguing with these people is as pointless as talking to a chair. They've made up their minds and now their minds are welded shut by a belief that equates individualism with freedom. They live their lives unfettered by the shackles of intellect, so let them roam free to infect each other and leave Darwinism to work its magic. It'll be much better for the planet in the long run 😉
What you can do
Experts’ understanding of how the Covid-19 works is growing. It seems that there are four factors that most likely play a role: how close you get to an infected person; how long you are near that person; whether that person expels viral droplets on or near you; and how much you touch your face afterwards. Here is a guide to the symptoms of Covid-19.
You can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others by following some basic steps:
° Keep your distance from others. Stay at least six feet away from people outside your household as much as possible.
° Wear a mask. A mask protects others from your germs, and it protects you from infection as well. The more people who wear masks, the more we all stay safer.
Wash your hands often. Anytime you come in contact with a surface outside your home, scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds, rinse and then dry your hands with a clean towel.
Avoid touching your face. The virus can spread when our hands come into contact with the virus, and we touch our nose, mouth or eyes. Try to keep your hands away from your face
unless you have just recently washed them.
Avoid touching your face. The virus can spread when our hands come into contact with the virus, and we touch our nose, mouth or eyes. Try to keep your hands away from your face unless you have just recently washed them.
@Caraline1 There may be a world shortage of proper medical grade masks (at least this was reported back in March; I'd have thought they'd have had a chance to produce plenty since, and at least some people would have jobs making them) - but there is NO SHORTAGE OF FACE COVERINGS! - Be it face coverings that look like masks, or neck gaiter/snoods, or scarfs, bandanas....... And I speak as one who can see both sides of the argument; protection versus liberty.....
Very common tactic of COVID deniers, to denigrate those who listen to the science and medical personnel the world over (thousands of whom have died from working with COVID patients) begging us to take this seriously and take recommended precautions, to characterize them as "sheep".
Plenty of those COVID deniers are now putting out videos and articles warning others that this virus is very, very real and very dangerous, after having infected their own loved ones, and having them die.
Same tactic used by those who are threatened by smart, strong women, calling them "hysterical", "shrill", "crazy" etc. Belittle those you don't agree with or whom you resent by calling them names- it's the stuff of elementary school playgrounds.
Wearing a mask isn't as much to protect yourself as it is to protect others. Anyway, I'm pleased if mexico is doing better now, last time I read your local news you had run out of death certificates.
I don't know which mexican local news you read, but personally, I read six Mexican newspapers every morning and never saw that news. At the date of this morning, October, 22, we had reach 87,415 deads over the yearly normal of 700,000. Experts agrees that only of those 87k deads, 16% died exclusively of covid-19, witch give us 14k deads, less than an average flu. The BIG PROBLEM in this unilateral decision, of imposing me wearing a mask inside my house and telling me what I have to do with my person/body, is that the persons that took this decision, don't have enough brain to make the difference between a PUBLIC place and a PRIVATE place.
@Ben529 I don't know how deep that sand pit is you have your head buried in, but Mexico still has one of the highest infection rates and death rates from COVID in the world.
And Mexico's numbers are hugely under-reported because many Mexicans won't go to the doctor or get tested. They even die from COVID at home.
Yes, many of those who die from COVID had underlying conditions, but that doesn't mean they would have died from those conditions if they hadn't also been infected with COVID. I don't know what's so hard for those like you to understand about that. Those people may very well have lived full and happy lives for another 40 years if they hadn't gotten COVID, therefore yes, they died of COVID.
Wearing a mask when around others is primarily to protect others from your breath, not to protect you. If you aren't aware of this information by now, then I wouldn't trust that you have sufficient understanding of anything about this virus.
I haven't hosted my private room listing since March, because it wouldn't be safe for me, or my guests, to share common spaces.
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I just checked today's worldwide COVID stats. Mexico has the highest death rate of any country in the world, a dubious honor it has held for many months now. Around 10% of known COVID cases die from contracting the virus.
Thanks for posting this. It is appalling that Airbnb assumes agreement. There is no guidance for what to do if you don't wish to agree. No acknowledgement that for all kinds of reasons, regardless of Covid, following the new protocol could be simply impractical or psychologically invasive. There's no way I'm having strangers in my house wearing masks. It's also very strange indeed that (just like everywhere else) there's no description of what changes would lift the restrictions. There should be a clear and continual discussion of acceptable levels of Covid, just like other illnesses. It is like being taken hostage, that there is never discussion of this. Also, The World Health Organisation has ruled that people should be masking, unless they are sick or looking after the sick, as there is a world shortage of masks, and NO EVIDENCE THAT IT HELPS. SO it is very curious, that Airbnb have made this kamikaze move on their business.