Offering Co - Hosting in Dubai by Experienced Airbnb Host ( 12 years in Europe & UAE )

Level 1
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Offering Co - Hosting in Dubai by Experienced Airbnb Host ( 12 years in Europe & UAE )

Hello all Airbnb Hosts - with units in beloved Dubai


I would like to offer my services as co-host for your Airbnb unit in Dubai. 


My name is Diane - and i am a French host living in UAE for 10 years.


I am also a host with 15 years experience in UAE , and Ireland . I managed my 2 properties by myself. Please read through the reviews as they are ( i hope ) about my true character as a person and as a host.

> UAE Reviews 4.98 :


I went through difference agencies that offer the Airbnb management, but i was never satisfy - call me " difficult" , yes sir , i admit ! 🙂


They are / have :

- NEVER have a dedicated person to talk to

- if i had a dedicated person, this person was NEVER based in the country where my unit was

- process long and dragging : some of them have questionnaires as long as when i applied for a mortgage ! not fun ! 

- know it all : some of them did NOT listen to my simple requests ( painting color choice - how hard it is to listen to someone color name ) 

- arrogant: yes ... they though they knew it all when they only started the job 1 year ago : they did not wanted to open my calendar in the busiest month of the year when the unit was in preparation ( cosmetic )   ...... i was fuming ! 

Etc Etc Etc .... maybe one day i will write a book about these "funny" experiences 🙂 


To conclude - Don't have the time ? based abroad ? Want dedicated person with years of experience in airbnb's hosting ... local based ? - i would be happy to help you with your airbnb journey. 


A tres vite ! Merci. Diane

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