Our Listing has been removed. No communication from Airbnb
Hi Everyone,
I was just checking to free up some dates for our property in France and found that our listing has been removed. There has been no communication at all from Airbnb and we had an enquiry in Septemebr which never materialised but yesterday, our property doesnt exist! Thank God I had saved it in my favourites as a non-host.
Could anyone please recommend a course of action here> Has anyone experienced being removed for no reason whatsoever. We have only had 5 star ratings so far. Thank you for your kind assistance.
@Umar258 Was the listing under your user profile shown here? I can only see reviews of you as a guest - and typically, when a listing is removed, the Host reviews are still intact.
Frustratingly, Airbnb often deletes individual listings or even culls a whole bunch at once without disclosing the reasons - and under the Terms of Service that we agree to, they can do that anytime. Could something about your listing or profile trigger an issue with local laws?
On this and some facebook forums hosts are reporting that their listings have been removed if the word "party" or "parties" appears anywhere in the listing description.
I didn't believe it when it was first reported as it seems preposterous even by Airbnb standards, but it seems to be true. Could this apply to your case?