I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Reservation made two weeks ago, host appears to have decided that new EU rules means that people from the US should not travel from England or somesuch (despite not having been in the US for some time). Host has kept listing active for dates.
Thoughts? It's still 3 weeks out but pricing has gone up and options have gone down significantly. No additional fee was provided with auto-refund, Twitter and email have received no reply, ABB Superhost hotline is backed up 45 minutes.
@Sarah977 : that certainly sounded like a racist or similar anti-Mexico comment, didn't it?
Welcome to the forum, @Peter2726 , but you may not have made an entirely auspicious entry. First impressions and all.
And I doubt that Peter comes with 222nm UV-C equipment ...
Sorry my comment was more based on Mexico having 32,000 deaths and counting ... and this is anti COVID not anti Mexican. Some of my best friends are Mexican. Apologies but no offence was intended. I also misunderstood that Kenneth is already in the UK so of course with the new "air bridges" he should be able to travel (unless of course he's in Leicester which is now having a local lockdown again)
Appreciate the apology and the explanation @Peter2726 . Looks like Slough will be joining Leicester in a local lockdown too, in the coming days.
Actually he shouldn't be able to travel as legislation has been introduced in Europe, quick rightly to prevent passport holders from high risk countries such as the US from travelling to and within Europe. @Peter2726 It is irrelevant he is in the UK. What's relevant is the passport he holds.
This is similar to the ban his own country did earlier this year when they banned those from China and Europe from travelling there.
Kenneth hasn't said why he chose to come to the UK during lock down and how he was able to get around our lock down regulations but I can understand why the Parisian host is choosing to uphold the legislation to help prevent the spread of the virus in her country.
The fact that Kenneth has been staying in the UK recently is irrelevant, they can't change the legislation to suit the needs of individuals affected.
@Helen3 I believe you are mistaken, at least as far as the US goes. The US banned flights from Europe and China, as Canada has closed its borders to all but returning Canadians and residents or essential personnel. It isn't based on the passport one holds, it is based on entering from outside the country.
I don't know Kenneth's circumstances as to how he happened to get to the UK during lockdown, but in general, banning someone based on the passport they hold, rather than where they were living for the weeks prior to travel makes zero sense as far as containing the spread of COVID.
I hold a Canadian passport, but I have now been in Mexico for almost a full year. If another country was concerned about not accepting travellers from COVID hotspot countries, they would be foolish to let me in because I hold a Canadian passport, where the infection and death rates have been kept down, they should be concerned that I would be coming from Mexico, where the virus is raging.
I am not always correct of course 🙂 , but on this one I know I am @Sarah977 because I had a US friend who was able to fly home during the ban.
The US government banned all those travelling from Europe to the US (not sure about other countries). APART from those with US passports.
Here is the original announcement.
The ban applies to non-Americans who have been in the Schengen border-free travel area within 14 days of travelling to the US.
People travelling from the UK and the Republic of Ireland are exempt, as are returning US citizens.
The US later extended the ban to include UK and Eire.