Past bookings vanishing from Google Calendar

Past bookings vanishing from Google Calendar

I import all of my calendars from various booking sites into Google Calendar.  We usually print out the pervious months calendar showing all of our reservations to keep for reference in determining the next year's pricing.  All of the other booking sites (vrbo, tripadvisor, etc) remain on the calendar.  However, all of our airbnb ones vanish and are only visible one week back.  What am I missing?  Is there a setting I need to adjust?  I can go back within Airbnb, however, the other past imported booking do not show up in the native airbnb calendar.  Any ideas?

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Hamburg, Germany

I have the same problem. The only booking I see is the upcoming ones.


Though it's a different method, you are able to check last year's pricing by exporting your transaction history. You will be able to see dates and payouts.

Go to Performance -> Earnings -> View transaction history 

Pick date range and select Download CSV


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