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Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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Because I do not know how to email AIR BnB management, I am posting this message on the Community Center hoping management will see it.
STOP THE POLITICAL ACTIVISM! I am but one of the thousands of hosts that Airbnb has and if I withdrew my property, no one within AirBnB would notice. Nonetheless, please know that if Airbnb continues its political activism, I will do just that!
It makes no difference whether AirBnB leans left or right. And I really do not care! Most guests do not decide where which vacation house to rent based on politics and I do not "cull" guests based on politics, either.
Continue to run Airbnb as the top-notch organization it has been and STAY OUT OF POLITICS!
Hello @Billy250@Linda3861 (and everyone else on this thread)
We understand that this is a sensitive issue and must have been a difficult situation for the affected individuals.
Airbnb welcomes hosts and guests of all political leanings and positions. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users.
We have made sure to reinstate their accounts.
@Byron143 Could you explain why, if she is such. nice person, Laura Southern was banned from entering the UK - A county well known for its freedom of speech.
Frankly, I am not surprised at the⁰ discourse over this issue. It speaks loudly to my point. The passions expressed clearly illustrate the divisiveness of such issues. Why Airbnb, or any business, would choose to inflame and seemingly invite such passions is beyond me, as it only divides its markets between supporters and haters.
At least for now, most of us have the ability to express our feelings freely. As with all freedoms, though, that comes with the responsibility of respecting the other guys' right to express their's. More often than not, though, such discussion only results in stubbornness and anger. (Could it be that the old wisdom of "not discussing politics or religion" is still a smart idea?)
Elaine701's succinct description of the shallowness and harm of tribalism is spot on! Why do we encourage such dialog? Or, to Elaine701's point, why do allow ourselves to be the pawns in this game of political manipulation?
Byron143, just because my name is Helen , does not allow you to plump me in a pot with 'all helens', so have a look at your own attitudes to others opinions and maybe read what is presented to you not imagine that this is a place for these tirades. It is not . We are hosts not moderators. Read the signs.I could tell you a lot of 'truths' but this is not the place ..... @Helen 744 I guess all the Bryons of the world are 'mad and bad"
Fake profile , no reviews and 'spreading the word' eh Byron ? Dishonesty not your 'cup of tea 'eh Bryron , disruption more your style?... LET me tell you about MS Southern. She is dishonest . She said that she had nothing to do with the 'ultra right' while she applied for an Australian passport," it was all in her past". Apparently , this was two years ago.She has moved on and left you and everyone like you behind, so its time you moved on too...H
Hello @Billy250@Linda3861 (and everyone else on this thread)
We understand that this is a sensitive issue and must have been a difficult situation for the affected individuals.
Airbnb welcomes hosts and guests of all political leanings and positions. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all our users.
We have made sure to reinstate their accounts.
Thank you for your response, Quincy. I believe it is in your target market's interest (hosts and guests) and, subsequently, AirBnB's best interest for the company to remain neutral in political matters.
@Billy250 but companies do need to show a social conscience. I applaud Airbnb for the stance they have taken on Russia for instance.