Potentia Guests with no Credit and or Debit card

Level 2
Mandeville, LA

Potentia Guests with no Credit and or Debit card

There are a few potential guests who have no credit / debit cards and can only pay by cash. Any suggestions as to how to treat with these guests?



4 Replies 4
Level 2
Krong Siem Reap, KH

Dear Mr. William,


From sofa am follow Airbnb method of payment. as listing my home stay very thing is settle by Airbnb company.


Thanks for your supporting.


Best Regards


Level 10
State of Bahia, Brazil

Refuse, refuse, refuse!

Level 10
Peterborough, Canada

I kind of think it's unreasonable of a guest who doesn't have either a credit or debit card (or a Paypal account, or similar online methods of payment) to expect to be served by an online booking platform, @William554.


My suggestion to this type of guest would be to find a more "bricks and mortar" solution to their accommodation needs (ie. a traditional BNB or a hotel that accepts cash payments {if they exist}).

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If a guest don't have a payment method they can't make a booking on Airbnb.


I think there are some other platforms that may allow this @William554