Hey Community! Getting ready for the 2024 spring renting sea...
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Hey Community! Getting ready for the 2024 spring renting season and I need to refresh/upgrade the house key chain. I saw this...
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IMO this "review' is nonsense and Airbnb should remove it.
From the content policy:
"reviews that contain no relevant information about a host or guest, listing, or experience may be removed"
There are to many stories from hosts about 1 guest ruined there reputation because of retaliation. Airbnb should work on this (and promised to do in the past) asap.
I noticed you did not wrote a review for the guest.
I noticed you did not leave a public comment on the review, at least giving you the opportunity to have your say.
Also i noticed this guest has no ID verified and no other reviews. I would never accept such a guest for Long term stay.
I wish Airbnb shared your opinion that the review contained no relevant information - they have said it's compliant with policy 3 times now.
You make a really good point about accepting guests without verified ID - I learned my lesson there. The guest instant booked but I will restrict that to 'recommended guests' in future.
I plan to write a public comment on the review although, in this case, the impact is obviously the rating rather than the wording.
I am torn between continuing with this listing or starting from scratch.....
@Bradley125 Many folks are of the opinion that reviews matter to guests more than ratings. And it's been shown that superhost and high ratings does not necessarily get you placed higher in search results. The rating system serves Airbnb's purposes very well, and hosts are the only ones getting their knickers in a knot over them.
You can respond briefly and professionally to that review, state that it is a review written in retaliation, and point future guests to your 5 star reviews for an accurate and truthful representation of guest experience. That will go a long way toward encouraging guests to book with you.
By the way, I hope you are going to review this person.
Leaving a response to the review is about your only recourse except for blowing up the phones at Airbnb, wasting much precious personal time and keep escalating the matter, that may help.
I recently had a guest lie to the fire dept., documented in fire report & submitted to Airbnb. The guest got a total refund for a long term stay. After over 10 hrs on the phone, 14 calls and 9 agents I was finally paid, her review stands. Airbnb doesn’t give a s…. About hosts, only income. Personally I’ve given up on the “status” of super host. It’s a mental tool Airbnb uses to get hosts to go above and beyond with giving us nothing in return. I do not book with superhosts when traveling myself just because of this. If you are a good host, offering decent lodging u will b fine. Respond to review.
Your experience with the lying guest is horrendous - even with all your representation, not taking the review down is appalling.
I agree with you about the value of Superhost status - my sense is that it doesn't count for much. The big hit for me is my ranking in search results as I was mostly coming up on the first page and that's been a huge plus.
I will respond to the review such as it is.
@Teresa31 Your comment on being persistent with Airbnb support inspired me to call them again. This time they agreed that the review wasn't relevant and have immediately taken it down.
It shouldn't have been this difficult but it's a huge relief for me.
Whilst I got the outcome I wanted, Airbnb should have taken the review down because the guest abused the review system.
I've sent messages to Brian Chesky and Brent Potts about the need for Airbnb to better protect hosts.
@Emiel1 @Colleen253 @Jenny349 @Katja202 @Michelle53 @Christine615 @Z-2 @Pat271 Thank you all for your support, encouragement and suggestions.
@Bradley125 You are so right about that. But very happy for you that the review is gone. Way to go!
@Bradley125 well done for persevering.
You are right that you should not have had to ask more than once.
@Bradley125 @Emiel1 @Teresa31 I think Airbnb should remove a lowest point and a highest point (per year?) when calculating the total score for host to make it more fair to the host. One off score can hit the super host very much.
That's a great idea - works for the Olympic diving and makes a lot of sense.
@Z-2 Totally agree! That filters out the non realistic reviews. Great proposal.
Did the guest mention anything about reviews in the messages? Sometimes this is enough to have the review removed, because it indicates that the review is probably retaliatory.
I just want to say that I feel terrible for you. You are so obviously a good host. As much as we try to give sound advice on this forum, this could happen to any one of us.