Refund Refusal: Coronavirus Cancellation

Level 2
Accra, Ghana

Refund Refusal: Coronavirus Cancellation

Hello! I'm an international school teacher currently stuck in Ghana due to the travel ban. I lost my job because of the pandemic and the school year is over. I originally thought I was going to have to vacate my school apartment until I could get out of the country and so I made an Airbnb reservation. However, the school changed its mind and is now going to let me stay in my school apartment to keep me safe from, among other things, the coronavirus. I made a "coronavirus cancellation" with the Airbnb host but he outright refuses to refund my money! I am hoping to get my money back, of course, but I can't help but wonder: Is this the kind of person Airbnb wants as a host? 

15 Replies 15
Level 4
England, United Kingdom

Totally get where you’re coming from David because money is tight right now for a lot of people.

I wonder whether the source of your issue is your employer actually? Are you able to claim for your financial loss through them?