Registered sex offender booked my apartment

Level 1
Cedarville, CA

Registered sex offender booked my apartment

So, I have two apartments that are airbnb.  I have instant booking on and require a government ID.  Had a couple book all the month of May and wanted to book all the month of June.  I had a booking already in the middle of June and so they booked up to that reservation, are leaving and then coming back for the rest of June.  They are not married.  They booked this stay under the woman’s name.  Later that week the man booked all of July and August.  I do not just rent these out for continual stays unless medical personnel working at the hospital, and trying to make a long story short, I had felt uneasy about this couple for several days.  Could not put my finger on it, so…when the man came back and booked additional two months in his name, I ran a background check on him.  Turns out he is a registered sex offender and has an open case or pending case from December in different county.  I have the other apartment that someone with children could rent and would really be an issue.  Husband is afraid we might get sued.  Airbnb evidently must have seen something in his background they were checking on because we called them and they told us a team had an open investigation going on regarding this individual.  I did not know that they must do a background themselves when someone does this type of thing?  Anyway, I am fairly upset and trying to figure out what to do regarding just canceling the upcoming reservation he made for July through August.  Would really like to cancel their reservation for June also.  Anyone have suggestions or same type of experience?? Looking to speak to our attorney on Monday.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Canterbury, United Kingdom

@Gregory480   What a dreadful situation to be in, and I fully understand your discomfort under the circumstances.  Normally I take the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ stance, however this guest has already been proven guilty once and is now about to be tried for further offence(s).  Personally I do not like to get involved in our guests private business, however I do also think I owe my neighbours a ‘duty of care’ and in this situation I would probably let the guest know that you are now aware of the circumstances and ask him to cancel his reservation for a full refund regardless of your cancellation policy.  Moving forward should he refuse to do so then I would either escalate to Airbnb and ask them to cancel penalty free for you or advise the guest that you have no option but to notify neighbours and incoming guests to your other apartment of the situation… obviously this is not a route either you or he would want to take.  You might find the following link of some help.


I totally understand that people with this sort of history do need to live somewhere, but you also have a business which you need to protect and unless you restrict your guests to ‘no children’ then you will always be worrying with each intake of new guests.




You’re talking about their business?  What about the neighborhood!  

Level 10
Penngrove, CA

I would be concerned about squatters rights after a 29 day rental. I wouldn’t take a chance