Hello, I'm Patty and I live in Florida. Today I got a booki...
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Hello, I'm Patty and I live in Florida. Today I got a booking for 1 guest for 3 nights but when they arrived, it was 2 peopl...
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I am still upset about a revenge review that was allowed to stand; the guest was very intelligent and knew just how to word his review so that it would be accepted. We had a very difficult time getting bookings after that review which came at a very crucial point due to Covid. If any of the "help center" people would have fairly looked at our past reviews and or the fact that I reported the guest during his stay, I am certain the review should have been removed.
I find it terribly unfair that a guest is able to break house rules (which were agreed to AND a contract signed) and still be able to leave a harmful review out of revenge. Not a correct way to treat a "partner". Thoughts please?
I looked at your profile, but could not locate a bad review in recent months.
I am overlooking something ?
Guest was Lee; time frame was May 2020. I find the review no problem - it is there.
Lee decided to have friends over (this during a time when it was not allowed).
Lee decided to use amenities/ facilities after they were closed (figuring he would get away with it)
Lee decided to be loud
Lee decided his friends would stay overnight.
Each time I quietly and nicely asked Lee to please follow the rules/policies (after all, he had agreed to them in order to book & he also had to sign our contract)
Our other guests were disturbed & our neighbours phoned.
I told Lee, at almost midnight, that his friends would have to leave. He said they could not because they had been drinking and could not drive. I said, no problem, I will call a taxi. While calling the taxi, his friends roared out with squealing tires, but at least they left.
I contacted Airbnb and informed them what was happening.
His Review:
3 stars - 1 star for location, 3 for accuracy, 4 for communication, 3 for cleanliness, 3 for value and 5 for check in.
The location he was well aware of before booking (and he was familiar with the area)
My communication with guests is spot on - always quick, clear and friendly (I am not new to this)
My listings can not be more accurate, everything into the smallest detail is listed
I own the retreat and I clean myself to insure highest standards. Not only do I (and was I) sanitizing everything (including pillows), disinfecting after cleaning all surfaces, changing vacuum filters between cleans and using fresh cloths for every area, but I also purchased a UV Ozone machine which I use after all the cleaning / in addition to all of the cleaning. This is my livelihood and my investment - of course I take it very seriously.
Of course, Lee was smart enough to know it needed to look like a fair review, not a revenge review, so he said I was a "very nice host" and they "had a good time".
Following his review, the unit did not book any more for weeks (via Airbnb). Who would book in the height of Covid if a place is not clean? I wouldn't.
If the situation is bad enough for me to contact Airbnb with my problems, should a feed back which does not fit the picture of my usual guests be allowed?
@Linda108 @Emilia42 @Anonymous @Emiel1
Now I really do have to get back to my very valued guests.
@Diane591 I thought it might be Lee. But do you really think that his review would turn guests off from booking your space?? I don't think so. Lee says nothing about the space not being clean and guests cannot see individual star ratings so Lee's review actually looks like a pretty good review to potential guests. I think your lack of bookings was 100% COVID and the fact that no one was traveling. Many, many of us here (if not everyone here) did not have a single booking in April and May.
Also, if Lee was so horrible why did you give him a great review?
Hi @Emilia42 Emilia,
First, I always give my guests 5 stars - retaliation if you don't is brutal and so easy on the internet.
Yes, it did effect my bookings for that unit. As I stated, that was a guest favourite. Yes, it was Covid times, but my other units booked constantly and without problem - and with very favourable feedback. So, not 100% covid. Not meaning to argue with you, but...
No, 3 stars is not a catastrophe, but upon looking at your units and feedbacks, please tell me honestly if you would be happy under the circumstances that I mentioned. (by the way, your places are beautiful!)
1. I think the simple question that I asked (and honestly do not have the time for the barage that is happening) is: Should a guest who has been reported for violations be able to leave a feedback? and If yes, how valid is that feedback based on the fact that the guest could not/did not adhere to policies?
2. Would you as a host (I mean every host out there) like to have your policies violated, guests and neighbours upset, the stress involved and lack of sleep (we live on premise) and have that very guest allowed to leave a review with so much negativity that is takes a year to correct your rating?
These questions are for everyone who decides to voice their opinion - not specifically aimed at Emilia 🙂 What if it happened to you?
Hi Diane591. Totally don't agree with your review policy. When you give all of your guests 5 stars regardless you are doing a disservice to fellow hosts. We had guests we marked down and indicated in their review several issues (which included leaving the place unsecured). The guest complained that we should have just left that in a private message. However, as we explained, we have a responsibility to other hosts to give guests an accurate review and explanation when needed, especially when there's a serious issue. And we hope the guest is more careful the next place they stay. MEH
Thank you for your opinion Scott and Mary-Ellen. It is still a world where we are entitled to an opinion. I hope this issue never happens to you.
Guests can't see the star ratings you give them, they can only read the written review. So rating bad guests as 5 stars doesn't do anything as far as warding off them trashing you on social media- they don't know how you rated them. @Diane591
Thank you @Sarah977 , I actually did not know that! Learn something new every day!
@Diane591 "I hope this issue never happens to you."
Well, thanks very much, but it just might, because you gave Lee a great review and 5 stars. Think of all the hosts who will end up welcoming him into their listings on your recommendation.
I'm sorry @Diane591 but this is very backward. Lee did not leave you a negative review. You may think so based on the "not perfect" star ratings but guests cannot see this. There is no "negativity" in his review that would make a future guest think "no way am I staying with this crazy lady in that disgusting place." Does it suck that Lee took away some stars? Yes, of course. But honestly, his review could have been much, much worse.
And to answer your question it sounds great if guests who were reported for violations could not leave reviews. But then we would be reporting guests for the smallest little infractions if we thought a 4-star review might be coming. And what about hosts? Should hosts not be able to review bad guests and tarnish their reputation on Airbnb? You had that opportunity and you didn't take it.
@Emilia42 wrote:I'm sorry @Diane591 but this is very backward. Lee did not leave you a negative review. You may think so based on the "not perfect" star ratings but guests cannot see this. There is no "negativity" in his review that would make a future guest think "no way am I staying with this crazy lady in that disgusting place." Does it suck that Lee took away some stars? Yes, of course. But honestly, his review could have been much, much worse.
And to answer your question it sounds great if guests who were reported for violations could not leave reviews. But then we would be reporting guests for the smallest little infractions if we thought a 4-star review might be coming. And what about hosts? Should hosts not be able to review bad guests and tarnish their reputation on Airbnb? You had that opportunity and you didn't take it.
Of course, that is correct.
I did not scroll all the way back to month May, but now i spotted the (short) review.
Which is not a really bad review, so it is mainly about the ratings.
I also read you gave this guest a friendly review, why dit you not mentiion the issues you encountered ?
Your other ratings somewhat corrected this bad rating, so as time passes by the bad rating will disappear more and more,
Airbnb announced a while ago a system for more fair handling incidental exceptional reviews, but i have no idea about the status of it
@Diane591 I'm also perplexed by your comment. All of your recent reviews are very positive, so how could any of them possibly be costing you bookings?