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Just been a weird few days in the US. Everyone is living in election purgatory. No matter what your affiliation or beliefs, I hope we can all keep our heads and remember that we have more in common than we do differences. Sending all of you good, positive thoughts.
And for my friends around the world, how humbling is it that an Irish podcast I listen to knows more about my political system than I have any clue about Ireland's, that my customer in Australia sent me a message with a hug this morning hoping we are all okay, that my husband's family in Mexico is praying for us?
Thank you all and hoping for the best no matter what the outcome.
We'll said.
We have the same here in New Zealand, and I believe it's the same world wide.
I was bailed up at the bank by uneducated staff about my Drivers License ID having expired, despite advice given publicly they were extended 6 months bc of Lockdowns.
That was despite the fact I had gone to renew it the day before lockdown only to find the Drivers License office bolted shut - I made sure I took photos as back up evidence in case anything arose..
incidentally one of my bank cards had expired during lockdown & they were sent back to Australia where they print them bc the Post Office refused to deliver them for fear of getting Covid19/ Coronavirus!!
UK Politician Tony Blair in the UK in the early 2000's tried to bring in National ID cards & that was thrown out 4 years later.
Dominic Cummings is trying to do the same again now as are those fixated with AI/ IT, you know the Covid Cards/ Apps & such like.
There will always be people trying it on & fraud going on regardless of forms of ID, the internet has made it much much easier for those types to undertake such things unfortunately.
It's a Wild West bc of Cyberland.
We have Human Rights Laws for a reason.
2020 - The year of Political Impropriety wherever we are.
How many of our current Politicians have ever read Parliament Cabinet Manuals?
They all swear on Oath which seems to be a joke to many of them.
Roll on 2021 & accountability
@Laura2592 @Emilia42 @Dimitar27
@Debra300and others, if you want to read news from another country, simply change your Country Search engine to a different one & you can read a different angle.
The Independent News media outlets seem to be just that.
MSN is controlled by Bill Gates empire who munted the print media 20 or so years ago & cost many investigative journalists their jobs / careers.
Much of what we get now is what some of us term "Rubber stamping// straight out "Copy & Paste" b/s without verifying facts.
I also put much of that to the Dumbing down of our education sector to that of "Communication studies" & loss of Journalism degrees at Universities
Oh well, I guess I feel pretty silly with my Communications degree. Luckily, I am pretty old, and learned true reading and comprehension and critical thinking. So, I think I am able to determine sh*t from shinola.
That's Brilliant @Debra300 !
Critical Thinking, true reading & comprehension is vital to survival.
I've currently got a Lawyer staying with me who has practised internationally who is having to do a work related course & we have been having some of those conversations....he's scratching his head at some of the garbage they as Adults are having to do as Role Play there - the what animal do you most relate to & gather in those groups for further discussions.
I had a now based in Australia originally from Birmingham in the UK guest in his 20's stay on the weekend who was very much a critical thinker.
Much of how we react is how we are raised from birth.
Maybe it's time for the education system to go back to Paper, books, maps, history, physical education and talking in person face to face instead of Paperless / IT systems.
What's the world come to?
You all are such a bright light. I worked as an election judge on Tuesday. 5am til 8pm. Was happy to have something to take my mind off the news. Fingers crossed we will swear in someone sane in January.
@Christine615 So sorry your wish didn't get granted... looks like your guy may have won. (Hopefully someone fill let him know it was for the presidency... of America. And the year is 2020.) And super excited to learn that a "non partisan'" "judge" was making election decisions. SMDH
And it's because of snarky comments like the one @Diane15 just made that I don't come to the "community" as often. What has the CC become??
Why would you turn what started as a non-partisan, inclusive thread into a soapbox for your rude rhetoric and nasty personal attacks? Doesn't exactly represent those with your views in a positive light. @Diane15
And we still have a republic! I know what we owe to all those hard working women of color-if Staci Abrams ever wants to come to the San Francisco bay area she can stay in my house, the whole house & I will sleep on one of my kids' couches & bring her scones in the morning. WHEW!
Better bring a LOT of
Btw, does Abrams STILL thinks she's the Governor? Sort of like Hillary, that one.
@Lizzie @Christine615 @Cathie19 and all those buddies here on CC......this week feels like combat and the past weeks/months have been an awful set up to it all. The fact that so many ppl here in my country get their info/news from facebook and twitter and their friends is so really sad. They have one narrative and its founded by an angry, meanspirited narcissist. We still seem so divided and the fight seems to go on - its such an embarrassment - that my own family people and friends buy all the lies, hate, mistrust and have tried with skill to completely tear our democracy down is disheartening. The blind faith and allegiance is frightening to a wanna be dictator - I do understand when you are only told one thing, repeatedly and only get all info from that source you get brainwashed or jaded at the least - the part so difficult to handle is that all of the guidance, mistrust, hate is coming from anger, and racism learned in a family and passed down. Any grievances that ppl have against those with money, power and success was the founding thread that got it all going & fired up. Them against US. One side was so completely blown away by a black man running the country and have worked to get rid of any and all laws/programs/anything with his name on it. No matter if it helps our climate, health or anything. Just dump it. Like a huge play book and all that was set in place to effectively help us when we have a Pandemic. 45 threw that out and disbanded that team immediately. My own sister believes with her heart that our pres. loves America and means only good. She surrounds herself with family/ppl that agree and does not watch any news that shows anything but that same story.
When our own best scientist and his family must be protected and hide from our people for fear of their lives just shows how very sick and sad our country has declined. May God help us heal. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord.
this is not posted to begin a battle or fight with anyone of you - it is what I know, what I live and I watch all news - p.s. I was the daughter of a raging narcissist - behavior never seems to lie.