
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Should I mention a guest's lack of reviews in my review

Level 10
Fredericksburg, VA

Should I mention a guest's lack of reviews in my review

My latest guest was not the greatest guest. Not the absolute worst, but considering she is a host herself my hosting experience was a disappointment on many levels. She ceased communicating with me after I declined her DEMAND to be allowed to check in early. (I don't think so, sweetheart). Numerous house rules violated, general disrespect and the icing on the cake was leaving all the lights on when she left and not locking my home. I know she won't be happy with my review, but quite frankly I don't care. It is well-deserved.

In going through her reviews, I notice she has been both a host and a guest. She has left no reviews at all as a guest and only 2-3 (out of 200+) as a host. I am planning on waiting until day 14 to leave a review, to see if she bothers reviewing me. Based on her history, I doubt she will.

I really want to mention her lack of reviews to future hosts and guests. That her lack of participation in the review process is part of why she does not embody the spirit of AirBNB and why I wouldn't host her again. And by waiting until the last minute to see if she reviews me (doubtful) before submitting my review, I can definitely show that I personally experienced her lack of reviews. 

Am I being too persnickety because she really rubbed me the wrong way or should I mention it as a warning to future hosts and guests?

16 Replies 16
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Yeah, go ahead and mention that she doesn't leave reviews.  I had a guest book, and saw that he didn't leave reviews, although he touted the reviews he received as a reason why I should accept his reservation.  When I asked why he didn't leave reviews, he said that he just didn't feel the need to do so.  I thought that was quite cheeky considering how he relies upon reviews to get his booking requests accepted.  His response really turned me off, because it gave me the impression that he felt entitled and didn't care about others.  I told him that I didn't think we would be a good fit, and asked him to cancel (he complied).

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Stephanie365 , its funny you should mention it, we have had more than one host that didn't leave a review, that drives me a little crazy, I just assume they arent the best hosts either.   Another host that taught Clown School in performing arts spaces around the east stayed with us for a few days and hid room things around the suite.  Funny stuff!  Stay well, JR

@Stephanie365  I wouldn't bother. Anyone who cares whether this person has a history of leaving reviews can easily find this out in exactly the same way you did. And since reviews are optional, it doesn't strike me as a relevant point of criticism. If anything, it would dilute the impact of the far more important points about the guest's poor communication and disobedience of rules.


Level 10
New York, NY

@Stephanie365  I don't think you're being too persnickety - it's offensive to be treated the way that guest treated you.  Your mention of her habit of not reviewing others just seems difficult to work into a review.  It seems you'd have to explain why it's important, and then the review would get too long, do you agree?   But a simple and direct review that says what you said to us would be excellent:  "This guest didn't communicate well and violated numerous house rules.  A disappointment on many levels."

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Stephanie365 I care a whole lot more about the rudeness and lights and locks than the not reviewing. So certainly, yes, bad review is in order. @Ann72 's covers the bases.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Did you check whether the host had left reviews for previous guests by clicking on the profile photos of the guests who left reviews for her and scrolling down to see if she left a review for them, or is it that you are using Air Review and it said "XX didn't leave a review?"


If it's Air Review, I can tell you that mine isn't working properly and someone else here said they had the same issue. I realized it when I asked another host here why he didn't leave reviews for any of his guests, and he replied that he reviewed all his guests. Sure enough, when I actually went to the guests' profile pages, his reviews were there. But on his review page, after every guest review, it said the host didn't leave a review. @Stephanie365 

I've never used Air Review. This woman has a huge $7-figure house and she rents out the bedrooms for more than I rent my whole apartment. But she also offers the whole house for nearly $1,000/night. And when she rents the whole house, she stays at local AirBNBs. 

I clicked on the actual guest reviews and checked their profiles and she hadn't reviewed any of them.

For my first 2.5 years of hosting, I had a greater than 95% review rate. But in 2020, I'm at or below 50% of my guests reviewing me. Had I seen in someone else's review of her that she didn't leave reviews, I probably would have confirmed this for myself and then declined her request to book.

Considering we hosts are punished and risk losing SH status if our guests decide not to review us, I personally think it's important that we hosts are given a heads up if someone doesn't write reviews.  

That requirement that 50% of guests have to leave a review was done away with for Superhost status about a year ago. Guests failing to leave a review doesn't affect you at all, unless those guests would have left 5* reviews and you need them to pull your rating up.


@Sarah977  Wow, you mean they actually listened when we hosts said it was unfair to be penalized for the inactions of others? *faint*



Astounding, isn't it? Of course it took them a couple years of hosts saying that for them to take any action. @Stephanie365

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I would not mentioned her lack of reviews. Leaving review is not mandatory. Moreover, I have had great guests that do not leave reviews. I have had a bad guest that was also a superhost and used to leave reviews.

What I would do in your place would be like that - "I lament to say, I would not host Ms.... again. House rules were violated and she did not lock the door when leaving."

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Stephanie365 On  3 occasions I think, I have written as my last sentence in an otherwise brief, good, standard review "I note he doesn't leave reviews. - We will see!" Or, "X & Y were good guests who communicated well & left everything clean. They told me they never leave reviews!" 

Level 10
San Antonio, TX

Hi @Stephanie365  Her lack of writing reviews seems to be the least of the problems with this guest.   Demanding early check in, violating house rules and leaving the house unlocked are the real issue.  As a host, she should strive to be the "perfect guest".  I have hosted several Airbnb hosts and several failed to leave a review.

Level 10
Darwin, Australia


The habit of not leaving a review with this host, may be indicative of a lazy nature towards details: rules, lights, front door security. Was the place left clean and tidy?

-     I wouldn’t mention the lack of review writing.


But agree that you should review at the eleventh hour, noting concerns about communication levels and the disappointment at their unknown indifference to leaving all your lights on and the front door unlocked. 

You  may say that they may have been distracted or in a hurry or merely forgot, but it is expected that a guest secures the premises on departure.