Stinky food....

Level 10
Frederick, MD

Stinky food....

We had great guests stay recently and follow all of our rules. The day they checked out, we went behind our cleaners to turn over and re-disinfect as we do. These guests had obviously grilled or cooked some kind of fish. It STUNK to high heaven. They had disposed of it per our instructions but we need to replace a trash can and had to air the cottage out with windows open and candles burning for several hours in addition to the airing out and cleaning that we usually do. It wasn't a long stay so the guests may not have borne the full brunt of the stink if it was a meal the night before check out. or they could just be used to it.


Is this private feedback or something you would put in a review? Thinking about what to say in our house rule re: fragrant food and new disposal protocols. 


16 Replies 16
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I do ask guests to not cook fish or strong smelling food such as spicy foods as the smell lingers and to always use the extractor fan when using the hob.


I also refrain from cooking fishy or spicy foods when I have guests much as  i love these foods.

Level 3
Middelburg, Netherlands

I would mention it in the private note. Of course I would use friendly words. Some people have just no idea what is causing distress to others. So they will continue to do so until someone is telling them. I would describe the actions that I would have preferred instead.