Terrible AirBNB Support- Quest Canceled illegally by asking to change Credit Card day before check in

Level 2
Santa Monica, CA

Terrible AirBNB Support- Quest Canceled illegally by asking to change Credit Card day before check in

I need some help as I am on hold again with AirBNB with an open case that is their fault that I keep being told is being looked after by a specialist. It has been weeks and no update. 


AirBNB contacted me the day prior to a guest arriving asking me to allow them to cancel to change credit cards. I expressed my concern this was a plot to cancel. I was assured and have it in email by AirBNB this would not happen and if it did they would take care of it. 


Guess what - they haven't .


Looking for advice or help before this pushes me over the edge to removing listing and trying a different platform. 

25 Replies 25

Thank you! Sadly I hadn't done this yet because things had gone so well. I will research that this weekend .Appreciate your help! 

Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Below is the message that I sent to the illushstrious Specialist Airbnb Support four days ago and have sent every day since with no reply at all. See what you think.

Airbnb prematurely and incorrectly cancelled my booking refrence "HMM328TJN8" notifying me it was due to the UK Covid 19 situation. The booking was not until the 9th July and the UK Government lifted a number of the restictions yesterday thas means Airbnb properties like mine can honour advance bookings for guests to stay from the 4th July and take new bookings for guests to commence staying from this date.
Airbnb were hasty, premature and incorrectly cancelled my booking due to start on the 9th July, you should have either waited until the guests arrival date had passed and was not able to occur due to the Government restrictions or waited until the legal Government position was further clarified nearer the date as it is under constant review by them.This is a major mistake made by Airbnb and its staff acting prematurely and incorrectly costing me to lose circa £4,000 !!!

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Looks like the problem is the EXTENDING of the Extenuating Circumstances policy to cover stays  commencing up till 31 July @Malcolm153 .



Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Hi Helen,

If it were only that simple ! They opened up my reservations calendar from the 4th July at the same time as they cancelled my booking. So I can get enquiries and bookings that they just go ahead and then cancel . Where is the logic in that ? I am not alone as all calendars have been opened up .

They have no idea what they are doing but more worrying is they do not know why. It's called a knee jerk reaction.

I am so sorry to hear this, I would definitely stay persistent. The lack of customer service staff who is trained is really glaring so keep escalating. I lost hope so many times and am glad it is now resolved. 

Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Herwe's the second message that I sent later the same day...four days ago !!!! No reply to date.

I think we need to warn all hosts and go viral using social media.

I wish to make a formal complaint about the premature and incorrect cancellation of my booking refrence "HMM328TJN8" by Airbnb. valued at £3.909.98 being the payment to me from you.
I require a full payment of this sum on the date that I would have expected to receive it , if the booking had gone ahead. This is a major mistake made by Airbnb and its staff acting prematurely and incorrectly.
If you do not accept that you made a mistake and do pay me what is rightfully due to me, then I will need to consider my legal course of action as well as announcing what you have done and how I have been treated on social media. I certainly hope that you take the responsible course of action and learn from this for the future. There is an old saying you would do well to remember..." Act in haste then you repent in laisure " !
Malcolm Chamberlain ( Superhost)

Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Message number three on the same day.....still no reply and it is 4 days now !!


Is there antybody working and responsding to messages in the "Airbnb Support" department ? I can be contacted on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  if you need to talk to me about this. It is 8.05 in the morning here in the UK and I need to get my children ready for "Home Education School" during this Covid 19 situation. So I have to leave my computer and can not just sit here waiting for something to happen with a possible response from you. I have family responsibilities and will not be back at my computer until nearer to 9.30am, when I will look to see if you have responded and will then resume this complaint. I can speak on the phone.


Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Messages 4 and 5 the same day.


12.30 in the UK and I am now going to be away from my computer as I need to be with my children as they have a lunch break from home school learning. Back in an hour but contactable on my landline ????



I am back at my computer and monitoring Airbnb support response to my messages.

Why have you not bothered to respond to my messages ? Is it because you know Airbnb are culpable for cancelling a booking that should never have been cancelled ??? Well you are not able to hide behind the time difference between the UK and USA for not replying. It is very ignorant, rude and extremly poor service from the Customer Airbnb Support team.

Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

Below are the messages sent after 24 + hours.....surprise surprise still no response.

25 Jun 2020

It is 9.32 am in the UK.
I sent several messages yesterday and also provided my UK phone number. I would have expected someone from the Airbnb Customer Support department to have read my messages and made contact with me by now, but this has not happened ! I have to say that as an organisation Airbnb seems to be going "SOUTH" ! It has forgotten that it is in the service industry with customers and clients who need to feel comfortable with the Companies level of standards. It would appear that Airbnb now sets itself the lowest possible standard and then fails to even achieve that.
So I will find someone else or organisation who will listen and wants to make things public.

Are there still no Specialist Airbnb Support workers available after a day and a half ?

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom


- FYI Airbnb recently laid off 25% of it's workforce = 1900 employees.

- Chaos surrounding Covid related cancellations is no doubt causing more hosts/guests than ever to bombard customer services. 


(I speak as an ordinary host of modest spare rooms, not an Airbnb employee, not an expert, just someone who enjoys the company here.)

This for sure is the case but an inexcusable one. You can't penalize owners who are doing their part after losing months of income.... without us they have no business.