I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
May 27th was the celebration of Ade's and my 50th wedding anniversary, so I booked Kareena and Kel's Airbnb farmstay in the southern highlands of New South Wales and the family had a lovely few nights and days there.
Kareena provided us with a lovely home in beautiful surroundings with some nice extra's for our arrival......
We don't get to do this too often, sheer distance in Australia keeps many families apart for extended periods but, that makes those times together just that bit more special.
The girls had set up everything they could inside the house in gold, with gold balloons, streamers, gold gloves and outfits, gold coins, gold knives and forks, even gold bow ties for Ade and I.......and of course, golden crowns for us to wear!
They even had cards made with things we used to say to each other....Ade used to say to me, 'Love you to the moon and back'. We received our trophy as their 'Ultimate champions'........ and that chest was full of multiple choice question and answer cards relating to our 50 years together.
The location was perfect....if only Ade hadn't blinked........
Ade and I each had to seat ourselves on our lavish thrones!!...
and we had one of those beautiful few days that you remember for the rest of your life......
The only family member missing from those shots is our youngest member so, I had to get a photo of Sarah and Sailah in his deep sea leg-ins with matching dummy on the way down to Kareena's Airbnb.
Ade and I are blessed to have had this 50 years together and have such a beautiful family, the grandies are growing up before our eyes.
Now it's back to hosting, but also......... looking forward to our next 50 years!
@Lizzie @Stephanie @Liv @Quincy @Nick @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Sarah977 @Ann72 @Lisa723 @Inna22 @Fred13 @Elaine701 @Christine615
@Cathie19 @Andrew0 @Kelly149 @Pat271 @Laura2592 @Colleen253 @Helen3 and @Ute42 ........and other old CC friends I was unfortunately unable to tag!
Thanks Ann, you always say the nicest things.
You know as well as me Ann, you have to work at life....to get something out of it, you have to put the effort into it. I had patches when the kids were young where I didn't see them for a week or more at a time! I was off to work before they woke in the morning and they were in bed asleep before I returned at night. It put a bit of pressure on me, trying to live a two income lifestyle on one income, and trying to keep Ade out of drug rehab. The medicos just kept dolling out Benzos, minor tranquilisers. At one stage she had over 1500 Valium stashed around the house. We were living with one foot in heaven and the other in hell.
We had lots of friends, we had a great house and two lovely kids, but we had this MS thing to deal with.
So we put in the hard yards, and things have got better as we have gone along and it is true, we are now in that golden part of our lives, we have a lot of lovely memories, but equally we have a lot of lovely expectations. We don't sweat the small stuff, if the house is a bit untidy at times......I will get around to it, as long as it is clean. Our priority is to get as much as we can out of each day.
They say 'good things come to those who wait'......I think our patience is being rewarded Ann!
@Robin4 If you can say all that, Rob, after what you and Ade have been through - you're more of an inspiration than I thought. And just look at your beautiful girls and their beautiful families. There is so much more to this celebration than meets the eye!
Once again, thanks mate!
I did a post about the ups and downs of life on another site a few years ago.
Another amazing story @Robin4! I loved it. It's the stuff that dreams are made of. That phrase makes everything sound beautiful and easy, but the hard work, love, sacrifice, and commitment in your story is the real stuff.
Thanks Jose Renarto, your thoughts are treasured.......hope you are doing okay over there in Rio.
Give our best to Anna mate!
Congrats @Robin4 , you and your lovely wife are a great pair, 50 years of adventure and all that comes with is quite an accomplishment. Keep it up Rob, more to come! Stay well, JR
@Robin4 i am glad you had an enjoyable time with your family for youw wedding anniversary. Great pictures. Keep enjoying life both you and Ade.
@Robin4 and Ade,
Congratulations on such an awesome milestone. Such a heartwarming post, especially when such family reunions tend to be an exception rather than a norm. And for you to share this moment with us is such a thoughtful gesture.
What you and Ade have is truly special and rare. Looking at the way Ade is holding on to your arm whilst you guys are sitting on your thrones just shows how much you guys have become a part of each other. A beautiful quote comes to mind:
“How is it
that there was never you
until there was
and then all was you?”
I wish you many more years of peace, love and togetherness.
Thanks Jason for your lovely thoughts.
I did see a quote a long time ago that didn't mean anything to me at the time but, as the years have passed the quote has progressively taken on much more meaning......
Old Love
Is there anything more beautiful in life than a young man and woman clasping clean hands with pure hearts in the path of marriage?
Can there be anything more beautiful than young love.
……Yes, there is something more beautiful. It is the sight of an old man and an old woman finishing their journey together on that same path. Their hands are gnarled, but still clasped; their faces are seamed, but still radiant; their hearts are tired, but still strong with love and devotion for each other;
……Yes. There is something more beautiful than young love
and that is.......old love!
PS: Mate I still haven't got into that book of yours yet, but I will.......promise!
@Robin4 Congrats and on to the next 50 for you and Ade indeed. What fabulous pics - and if we only had the pics it would suffice cause they are absolutely fantastic and tell the story indeed. The joy, thrill, family, GOLD, FUN is as you would say, spot on. Perfect.
Blessings to you and Ade and all your precious family. So glad you could gather together to share this most important time marker. Peace & Blessings, Clara