...few-to-none carry insurance against loss of income from AirBnB or any other rental endeavor. We don't host 'as a hobby' or because, income be damned, it's fun-as-a-reward-itself to have strangers inside our homes and plan our lives around the calendar of arrivals/departures/cleanings/etc.
Our situation - a guest left just today (March 18) being called back to work far earlier than his mid-May departure date. To my knowledge he did *not* flee our part of the country just because we were first hit by CoViD19 (WA state), simply that work told him to do so. No one in our household has experienced symptoms yet.
It remains unclear what will become of that much-needed income stream. The guest has not yet "checked out" in the system.
My work income has plummeted precipitously and I have been 100% in the 'gig economy' even before that was a term! (Even when I was W2-employed, by spineless, public employers who played around with employment law!). My spouse is in one of the mission-critical jobs but could also fall ill anytime. Upshot: We desperately need all of our rental incomes to cover costs.
We prefer medium/longterm stays for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being avoiding hotel taxes -- which would be another revenue drain!
--Airbnb 'superhost' near Seattle WA