
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

What a great Community!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

What a great Community!

Adrienne hates a knock on the front door!

She hates it because, she has to put so much effort into getting there to answer it.

More often than not she will not answer it in the hope that whoever is there will give up and come back later when I am around.


The knock today was quite insistent and it appeared the person knocking was on a mission so....she had no option but to make the effort.


On opening the door she was greeted by this for a Robin Shannon and her heart sank....




What has he been up to that warrants someone sending him flowers!

The poor delivery driver must have thought.......'What an odd reaction from a woman receiving flowers'! 

Ade wrestled this really substantial bunch all the way to the kitchen bench. All through our married life I never thought she doubted me.....but here it was.. In the words of Buggs Bunny.........DIS HERE FOLKS, IS EVIDENCE!

She sat there looking at it, like it was a recently dug up World War Two hand grenade.....was her life about to explode??


Her inquisitive nature eventually got the better of her, she opened the envelope with one hand, and the kitchen knife drawer with the other to be at the ready for a showdown!

Out came this lovely little card from  @Lizzie  @Stephanie  @Quincy  and the Community, and she had a little cry.....partly in relief, but mainly for the beautiful gesture from a whole lot of people, only one of whom she has ever met!


What a wonderful thought guys. I know and appreciate the thought that went into this and so does Ade....



But for pete's time guys, will you address it to..... 'Rob and Ade'     xx





17 Replies 17
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thanks Cathie, you and Garry are champs!


Yeah weather is a bit cool, but as nice as it is to feel hot, it's also nice to feel cold as brings that balance into life that I need. Yesterday (while the CC's lovely flowers were being delivered) my guest and I went to a really eclectic old hotel in our area and sat in front of a huge log wire in wonderfully comfortable chairs that you just sink into and had a beer or two, some wedges and crumbed onion rings  and it felt so luxurious to sit there and feel that warmth.......


Even the rooms central light fitting made us feel warm and comfortable.


Sitting outside most days and nights at the moment is not an option Cathie but those times are not far away so.....we'll just enjoy the cold while we have it!

I hope all is going well with you guys up there in the top end!




Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Lizzie  @Stephanie  @Quincy

Just a little update guys!


Now there is every probability that, with your hectic lives trying to keep everyone here in some sort of order, that you may have moved on, and this bunch of flowers have possibly become a distant memory to you!





Some of those blooms are starting to show the signs of age, and in the morning I will do a bit of pruning to keep it looking great.

But 4 weeks have passed now and to sit in the Den (Snug I think you call it)  and be reminded every day of that lovely gesture of yours gives us a real thrill.


Thanks again guys!



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Aww wow, that's pretty impressive @Robin4 ! Well done on keeping them going. And, yeah, I would call it a snug 🙂






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