The city sent me a notice to appear in court for irreparable or undoable violations of city code. I had no idea you could not host an Airbnb in the zone I was in. Now I have to go to court and they want to fine me. I removed the listing and cancelled everything as soon as I was aware it was against city code or policy. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for what I should prepare
@Jake446 Sometimes you can win in court just by showing up, when the other party doesn't. But nobody here is in a position to give you legal advice. For that, you have to hire a lawyer, which might ultimately cost you more than the fine.
best to consult a lawyer if they have already sent you the fine it is because they already know everything about you and your operations, the best thing to do is to accept the responsibility and pay the fine and ask some sub-management how to proceed so as not to break the law....
@Jake446 Just be honest with the court, accept that ignorance is no excuse, explain you shut down immediately you discovered it was illegal and then ask for all the above to mitigate any fine the court may wish to impose.
Alternatively lawyer up and fight but it may well cost you more.