What is your method of assessing peoples character?

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

What is your method of assessing peoples character?

I have always judged the character of people in our society by…..the humble shopping trolley!




A shopping trolley is supplied in most instances free of charge as a convenience for shoppers to convey their purchasers from the check-out to their vehicle. There is no obligation to do anything other than that and, this is where the ‘character’ bit comes in.


Shoppers fall into three distinct categories!

1/…..Those who (without a second thought) return the shopping trolley to the trolley coral. They don’t get a gold star for doing it, they just choose to be responsible, thoughtful community members. I would like to think this is the accepted community standard.


Unfortunately it is not!


2/……There are a large percentage who will wheel their purchases to their vehicle, load them and simply drive off leaving that shopping trolley to be someone elses problem…..leave it in the way of other shoppers without a second thought. It was just too much effort to be a responsible person.

This character of person I hope I don’t have to have anything to do with, life is all about them and sod-all to do with respect for the rest of the community.


3/….Yesterday I spent 2 hours pulling 3 shopping trolleys out of the creek that runs through our local Stephenson Park. These ‘shoppers’ (for want of a more appropriate word) not only used these trolleys that were supplied to try and help them, but when they had finished pushing them off the shopping premises and half way around Mt Barker, simply threw them into the Western Flat creek.


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Any person who will without a second thought deliberately destroy someone elses property which was provided to help them, for no other reason than, they can, is not in my opinion a fit member of society, These people have no character, they are just mindless individuals and it is my hope Karma catches up with them some day!





I have cleaned these trolleys up as best I can and I will put them in the boot of the car and returned them to the appropriate stores. I don’t want or expect anything for it, I just want to be a good community person…..a person of some acceptable character!


PS: If this is not the appropriate discussion room for this thread can one of the admin staff please move it!





15 Replies 15

The first thing I pay attention to is a person's shoes, they say a lot about the person. For example, if the shoes look dirty and ugly, then the person is likely to be the same at heart. But if he will be beautiful, well-groomed and attractive shoes such as  adidas  Yeezy shoes , then most likely a person will be very good and pleasant to communicate. This is my personal observation from life.